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>9/11 is funny xD
grown up retard

I keked
why americans are so butthurt about 2TWNX

Reminds me of that tragedy

Yeah, it's not funny.


americans make fun of 9/11 more then anyone else

oхyeнный был мyжик

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Americans don't even bring up 9/11 in everyday real life. It's always the esl foreigners here that obsess over it. It's pretty sad.

Because lots of jews worked there and americans worship jews.
Some however made it out just in time.

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I walked through blood and bones trying to find my brother!

Thanks for reminding me of this abomination

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This was the day that Simba knocked up Sonic, right?

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9/11 Was clearly a conspiracy by the powers in control of the west. That would be largely represented to the public in the Bush dynasty. They essentially made a public admission as to what they planned in a paper they published.


>Of the twenty-five people who signed PNAC's founding statement of principles, ten went on to serve in the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush, including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz.
>Written before the September 11 attacks, and during political debates of the War in Iraq, a section of Rebuilding America's Defenses entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force" became the subject of considerable controversy: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."

The Bush family has a history of connections with drug smuggling. This would go back to the Nicaraguan drug smuggling of the CIA under Oliver North. Note that this occurred while Bush Sr was VP, after he had been head of the CIA, and before he became President...

It is also well known Dick Cheney was well connected with the Military Industrial Complex, and his wife was an executive at Lockheed Martin. He himself came from Halliburton which saw enormous contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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>Muh 9/11
>Yes we burned 10 million japs by throwing them 2 nukes but muh 9/11.


>like a new Pearl Harbor.
In not one, but TWO separate Military War Games, Pilots flour-bombed Pearl Harbor from Cloud Cover, utterly BTFOing the base in the war-game
Both times, higher-ups laughed it off as un-feasible and un-realistic

And then Pearl Harbor got bombed for real using the same tactics
And dragged us into WW2

Absolute Faggots

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Yeah, he was in Canada

Did you know the scenario of planes striking the trade centers was discussed while the buildings were being designed?

The more you know.

All america's doing blaming on other countries.
More calamities will come when america is on election process. They don't give a shit who lied to or what happens to the rest of the world.

spotted the newfag

more like uol tourists

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9/11 is the only good thing that came from America