Announced 4 years ago

>Announced 4 years ago
>Previous TES was released over 11 years ago
>TES:VI Still not released, and probably won't be until 2026
What was the fucking point of announcing it then

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Help wanted

Washing away the Fallout 76 fiasco

Damage control for 76.

Buffer against possible 76 backlash and keeping the IP in people's head.

DESU I'd be surprised if it came out in this decade. 2030.

They were trying to sell themselves to someone that would buy the whole company.

Skyrim was the most successful game of our lives if you ignore casual multiplayer bullshit, and in terms of internet culture its unparalleled so theyre just scared to try and match iy

this shit was announced
4 YEARS AGO ??????????????????

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dont get stuck in the limbo user



Making stock prices go up temporarily

absolutely convinced the landscape for this trailer came from a brushed up version of their space game

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This is the only right answer.

>have to wait 20 years just to learn what happened after Skyrim just because Todd wants to work on his gay No Man's Sky clone with not even half the charm
genuinely hope bethesda goes under

Todd doesn't want to make TES6 so the plan is to pretend it's coming someday, far away.

Everyone with half a brain cell knows that Thalmor take control of the empire.

They only announced it because their company was getting shit on for fallout 74. I doubt the game was even in pre-development when they showed that trailer. It's funny, all those videos trying to find clues about the region in the trailer, when the devs themselves porbably hadn't decided yet.

At least TESfags still have hope. Fallout got two shit games in a row and Obsidian is on its way to make an electric boogaloo sequel to New Vegas.

>Fallout got two shit games in a row
Cope, Fallout 4 was the top selling Fallout game of all and loved by many. You're just a contarian.

>genuinely hope bethesda goes under
i think you forgot they're a fully owned subsidiary

>4 years
It's been that long?

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