How hard is programming for gamedev?

How hard is programming for gamedev?

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she cute

God, I want to have her sit on my lap and then teach her how to code while I rub her thighs...

very difficult

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Which one is better, games made by programmers with bad art and design or games made by artists with awful technical implementation of everything barely holding together?

programmers sometimes make new gameplay
artists always do standard unity 3rd person default controller shit

I've so many fucking times but it never sticks
I can never seem to get past function creation, like how the fuck am I supposed to know what to tell the computer to do?

>got a C on my Fahrenheit to Celsius converter project
It's all over bros...I'll never be a gamedev

>not a pedo
Unrealistic. Can't relate. Shit comic.

thats one line of code how did you even fuck it up

Game design trumps all and is it's own art that's doesn't inherently follow from technical or artistic skill. Now that computers are powerful enough to power through spaghetti code programming skill is not necessary to make your design payable. That being said programming skill opens up your design potential.

people like to shit on python and the other ez modo languages but C++ syntax makes this really needlessly complex unless you already know exactly what you're looking at

He wanted me to create a module and add fahrenheit to celsius and celsius to fahrenheit functions that I imported into This is literally my first time coding ever and I got it working but he didn't like the way it was formatted so he killed my grade.
>Pic related

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>not naming your variables, methods, properties, events, etc... after Hitler
Good luck trying to figure out what HiTlerhiTleR(hitLER) does, faggot!

Start by choosing small projects that come prepackaged with what you need the computer to do and work on designing programs around that. A good one that can scale with how much you know is to get a cheap pen and paper RPG rule book and make a character creator for it. Other simple games like tic-tac-toe and nim are also good because they're solved and the game theory behind them is known. You study how they work and then just worry about the implementation.

Dumb brat not knowing how to code....needs rap connection!

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I'm in IT and I hate my job atm
Gamedev would be like a dream come true

That's what I've been doing
I pirated the highest rated Udemy course and even the basic exercises trip me up
Am I supposed to just memorize every single in built function and command?

What I'm wondering is, is it possible to create your own game in your free time, while also having a job?
Also learning animation and shit how hard is it, if you wanna do it all by yourself?

im pretty sure its not doing anything

>needs rap correction

Attached: parappa.jpg (1280x720, 94.19K)

if keyboardButton=="D" x++;
There you go

from 10 to 15 years.
sorry bro you gotta learn to code for real and hitting those basic bitch books about coding.
learning engine specific commands is like wanting to learn an art style without know fundamentals

Over time more and more will come naturally to you, but even professionals use references for the things they rarely use. Especially when they're moving between languages with slight differences in syntax. All I can say is that if you have a passion for it running into a roadblock is an interesting problem to be solved rather than a frustration. It's a good mindset to try and carry around in life as well.

Most indie shitters do that and it's stupid easy.
Step 1: Grab unreal engine or unity FPS/TPS sample
Step 2: Change the assets
Step 3: Sell it

>What I'm wondering is, is it possible to create your own game in your free time, while also having a job?
Possible, that's what many people do, but remember it'll take longer to learn things and finish a project than with full free time, for obvious reasons.

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I need to code just as bad as you
What I compiled this morning
I don't even wanna say to you