Hidden Gems threads

Post your hidden gems.
Pic rel is Lunacid, King's Field/Shadow Tower but 2022. Very good but unfortunately in EA.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Looks neat but
>“It will take about 1 to 2 years for the current planned scope and polish passes to be finished on the game.
I'm also waiting for pic related to get out of early access hell.

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I'm hijacking this thread as it is now an Overt Gems thread. Therefore, you should play Skyrim Anniversary Edition!

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I'm not buying your overpriced mods, Todd.
But thank you for the free fishing rod, the old fishing mod wasn't that great.


Fun 3D time attack platformers, cheap and fun.
Also available for the switch.

bought it twice, Todd, thanks

My name is Todd so grab my fishing Rodd user.

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>hidden gems
>early access
just stop dude. anyone still giving attention to anything EA needs a fucking bullet in the head. you're part of why everything is shit now

Wave Crash, but it's couch/remote play only

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Thanks for bring it to my attention. Shame bout the EA part.


Bought these 2 recently and im having a blast so far

I gotta go with Tactical Nexus then. It's a game about climbing up towers by strategizing the most optimal route. It's effectively a puzzle game except it's puzzles evolve, as if you clear one tower, you get permanently stronger, allowing you to maybe clear another.
As for how good it is, well, the pic may give an idea. I personally have 180 hours in it and I'm nowhere near to fully completing it. I'm just barely reaching the end of the base game.

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Just don't buy it lol
EA is a way to fund the developer if you're interested in the game. It's better than a kickstarter or patreon as you actually see public development and can play the game while it's being developed.
The bad part is having to wait. Or some games stuck in EA for half a decade.

Northern Journey on steam is pretty good. Maybe not quite hidden as I've seen a couple of people post about it here. But I would still consider it under the radar of most people.

What is this graph from?

It's pretty cool, I like the slower combat. The foliage is also beautiful and the NPCs are creepy af. I don't recommend the game if you have arachnophobia though.

I believe devs have certain info of their games, so it's from him. I don't think you can check these stats for any game you want.

>outstanding soundtrack

Recommend me some interesting point&click adventures or story driven games pls

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Maybe not a gem but an okay resident evil 1 clone if that interests anyone.

try Downfall, you'll either love it or hate it or play Timbleweed Park

I played this game
how the fuck is it a gem? its just king's field with better textures and anime girls, which ruins one of the two good things about kings field which is the atmosphere

This game is kinda good

Bunny must die & Chelsea and the seven devils
too bad you can't buy it anymore

I recommend Deadbolt if you still didn't play.