Is this true?

Is this true?

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thanks for your opinion, appreciated

MW19, Cope War, and Transguard all play radically different from one another

it's almost like shooting games are all the same fucking thing or something

heh... the hypocritical left strikes again, yet they cannot hide from my logical blade...

Activision cranks out new CoD games every year or so
It took Nintendo 5 years to release the same game again for some reason

No. Somehow splatoon has even more rehashed content than CoD

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3 Splatoon games in 10 years

Only 2 of those are on Switch

And those 2 games are 6 year apart

Seek help schizos. Switch has YET ANOTHER superb exclusive.

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Cool basedjak thread!

Cute asian Miyeon is for african males! Miyeon best girl

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Uh, no. Splatoon games have pretty clearly grown and evolved over the years. The single player campaigns alone introduced a wide range of new concepts. No one who has beaten Splatoon 3 would dare say it's the same thing as Splatoon 1.

19 games in a 20 year span vs 3 games in a 7 year span
i think there's a bit of a difference there

Imagine saying this but unironically

>19 years
>21 games
>7 years
>3 games

Now do this with all the CoD released in the same timespan.
And on a more serious note. I'm sure both series are varied enough between entries yet feel samey to an outside perspective. The picture would make as much sense were the roles flipped. In fact You prolly could put any 2 series in the same genre and make the same double standards arguments. Well, maybe except Madden, which seems to regress with new entries.

This, but unironically

*modern campfare 19


octo expansion already made up for splatoon 2, now splatoon 3 is easily the best in the series