I'm actually kind of surprised so many people didn't understand it and then proceeded to write it off as the worst New...

I'm actually kind of surprised so many people didn't understand it and then proceeded to write it off as the worst New Vegas DLC

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its not fun cuz you're playing by someone elses rules instead of your own

Love me some survival kino
Simple as

it's just people upset they lost their armory of busted gear and had to struggle for a bit

apart from the exploding collar the dlc is actually pretty easy

It's the most fun because it forces you to not be OP for a couple hours especially if you're not a melee/unarmed build.

This shit is not hard at all, the only thing that kills you is the collar unless your playing on survival everything is trival

It robbed retards of their power fantasy and they get mad when that happens.

varies a bunch. if you go there with a endgame char with no melee or energy weap stat, youre poking ghost people with about as much hp as deathclaws

>kill a single ghost
>get bear trap fist
>Dead Money is now a cakewalk

>Writing was shit
>Dont care what happens to any of the terrible characters
>It's actually super easy

DLC so bad I took the gold just to spite it. Always just leave it on the floor of the lucky 38 as a trophy.

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I love the deeper meaning of this DLC.
>Don't go into a boss fight with a full inventory.

>DLC starts you off with one of the strongest energy weapons in the game

I like the theme, story and atmosphere, but holy shit is the "gameplay" repetitive and unfun during the entire villa section.

It's my favorite NV DLC but I can't deny that the radio/collar mechanic was dogshit. It could've been cool if it was a limited area thing, but it really overstays its welcome throughout the DLC, especially once the indestructible version starts to pop up. The survival horror approach was a cool idea but it feels like the wrong game to do it in. Personally I don't mind it since I usually want to do the DLC while overleveled and with the appropriate skills but I can understand how it's frustrating for other people if they try to do the DLC with shit sneak and combat skills. DM tries to do a lot of new things but many of them end up feeling pretty janky compared to the rest of the game, the atmosphere is amazing though.

Don’t know why they disabled fast travel. It was stupid as fuck.

Unironically my favorite NV DLC because of how dark it is

The area is tiny, it takes 5 minutes to walk from one end to the other.

Except that I’m lost 80% of the time.

open the map dawg

I finished this DLC 10 times and I killed Dean Domino every single time.

It was the best dlc. Interesting story, good characters, Kool atmosphere and the survival aspect was a nice change of pace. Honest Hearts had Joshua Graham and the Kool tribal stuff but the quests were pretty unengaging. Old war blues started off charming but it really overstayed its welcome and the ending felt really anti climactic. And Lonesome road was dog ass. Ulysses was a wet blanket of a character, they gave the player character a forced backstory and the enemies were all unfun bullet sponges.

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It shouldn't have been first. Normietards just excited for more New Vegas could not into losing their gear and being weak. Advertise the fact later down the roadmap and it'd be less of a struggle snuggle.

I always play HH - > OWB - > DM - > LR for both gameplay and story consistency.