Play Comedy Night

>Play Comedy Night
>Watch someone perform on stage
>First word he says is, "NIGGER!!!!"
>Everyone laughs

Is this peak gamer comedy?

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You have to remember that most people aren't funny and the extent of their wit is just regurgitating pop culture references.
Screaming nigger is the edgy version of blurting out any other stupid ass maymay

It was funny at first but now it's just cringe. They just say the n-word just to spite people

Last time I hopped onto it I had to heckle a guy for just reading dril tweets.

I'm aware, but any pushback from this hacky shit is interpreted as "you don't like it because you're sensitive", and then they just double down.

This. So much this.

Im laughing so yes

Sounds like peak standup.
But standup has never been good.

I'll stop saying nigger once americans stop worshipping blacks.
The latter is far more embarrassing than a descriptive slur could ever be.

What's it like being a sociopath? Feels good?

>saying a naughty word is sociopathy
Sheltered little thin-skinned american aren't you.

Fuck you. At least I'm no cold hearted European bitch. Maybe have some empathy.


>empathy towards niggers


Heh, "nigger".
I love this comedian!

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ITT: Sociopaths.

Stop being a sensitive little faggot.
>n-no you’re being cringe!
Holy fuck what a massive faggot you are.

Omg yes so much this. Sometimes I literally just can’t even, you know? Smh.

Nigger isn't funny. Nobody says it here because they think the word, by itself, is funny.
It's said as an attempt at gatekeeping to prevent thin-skinned twitter bitches from infesting the place; and should they be stubborn enough to stick around anyway then they become desensitized to the word.
Which everyone should be because it's just a word.
You fucking nigger


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The only flaw with this game is that most people aren't even remotely funny. And that's not the Dev's fault! It's a great idea for a game otherwise.