Is there actually a good vampire *themed* game? Castlevania doesn't count, it's just a dungeon RPG that used the main bad as a vampire - there's very little lore or mechanics that make those games vampire related. I feel like vampires is a really fun concept, but their always just added as a quirk. Yet there's tons of other media that actually dive into the economics of being a human and having to manage murder/farming people as a resource.
I especially don't get it because nugames always love to put ethical politics in stuff and you could do tones of allegories with vampires.
Vampiric Games
>Castlevania doesn't count, it's just a dungeon RPG that used the main bad as a vampire - there's very little lore or mechanics that make those games vampire related
You literally play as a vampire in Symphony of the Night and have several vampiric powers available.
V Rising.
VTMB is 90s-vampire core
now fuck off with your loli shit
sex? with vampires?
You would die
vampire lolis
Actually looks neat checking it out.
I don't play VNs and I prefer the big version, just couldn't find the image.
There's literally more frames in that gif than words in my post you troglodyte
It's not a VN you fucking weeb
for you
umm so do humans correct vampires...or do they correct us
Even better
>make a perfect woman
>keep her stuck as a shitty little girl for most of the series
because Nisio Isin is too based for you to comprehend
embrace cunny
I want to fuck her teen version so bad
VTM: Redemption.
>make a perfect woman
>upgrade her
fixed that for you
dracula penis
Just like I expected, a coomer thread. You can never have an actual vidya thread when some retards uses some anime image.
theres vampire the masquerade
and Vampyr which seems like a quantic dream game mixed with shitty souls like combat so that sounds awful
code vein which is mediocre held up by booba
>not a VN
>posts VN screenshot
never realized his mask looks like goatse
Because he knows what he's doing. You want the best part to be in small doses, even more furthering your want for it and then at the end you get a ton of it. Which they did.
this is why Any Forums tards should be shot on sight
>reddit tourist doesn't even know how to reply
You should be shot and raped first, in that order
>castlevania doesn't count
It's precluded by the fact you said "good"