Games with shit communities

Games with shit communities

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I never understood what's the deal with that black dude
He screamed at things
He got his awful mental health worsened by the internet
He killed himself
And that's all, absolutely nothing notable, just an average internet loud black man

imagine caring about communities

There are zero women who play competitive Super Smash Bros. I do not care if someone responds to this with a youtube link of a woman playing comp smash.

he had funny hair and funny fake reactions

He had a good spirit and people could see that in him. You've most likely been beaten down by aspects of modern living or you're just naturally predisposed to being jaded. Even though I'm a little bit of a doomer I knew Etika was a good guy at heart, even if he did overreact to the character reveals.

Literally dont know anyone but the suicidal guy

A certain popular Rhythm game I shall not mention by name lest I summon a horde of underages
You have:
>pronoun thumping
>autistic rules over OCs
>groomers everywhere
>majority of the community knowing jackshit about the game's site of origin and its culture
>the game itself eternally ruining other communities if it ever touches said games whether in vanilla or modd

this I know some of these faggots are still lurking in Any Forums trying to fit in and what not and when you tell them to fuck off when they try to start shit like madness threads they will start screaming and calling you an new fag

Werent a bunch of the people in this pic outed as pedos?

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yeah. I never trust any of these faggots that plaster themselves over things as icons in mass like that anyways

Most likely. A lot of Tr4sh and Ultimate players were outed for being involved in shit like that, but fags blame it on Melee players. Same with the whole "Melee players stink" meme. The venue that had to post the hygiene notice was actually a Sm4sh tournament, but of course that also got spun to shit on Melee.

I can name a few who just so happen to lurk among this board
>tf2 trannies
Insufferable annoying faggots who are stuck in 2013, tf2 posting is becoming suspiciously high nowadays on Any Forums, they really are trying to act like as if they fit as this point
>sonic fags
don't know why the fuck sonic is relevant again with the zoomers but especially in Any Forums they are acting like as if the community is not retarded as fuck and genuinely sound like underage fags
>persona and smt fags
Same thing insufferable as tf2 fags, They are closeted smash fags, Who think they where smt/persona fans since like 2007 when no one knew exactly what the fuck the thing was before joker got into smash, Literal obnoxious nigger.

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all of them

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Every Nintendo game

idk if he was a good or a bad man. He’s a stranger of the internet. We can’t know the real thought of youtubers and e-celebd. But regardless of how he were, he didn’t deserved what he got. Empathy is something this can’t understand of


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this I unironically don't know whats getting niggers back into sonic again I hope frontiers bitch slaps into seeing being a shit series again.

tf2fags are annoying but also they’re harmless. they just are ok with still playing their games, as long as you don’t bother them.
some sonicfags can be aids incarnate but at least they can make cool fangames sometimes. that’s more than the others fanbase. pnly thing i dislike about them is being fanboys bootlickers. just admit frontiers is bad. don’t give your money to sega until they earned it
you’re right about nu-personafags. most of them ate badwagonners smashfags. i would take the pendatics old ones that actually played the games they talked about and looked down every other RPG franchise

Anti-Smash players are the most pathetic specimen on the internet. Watching them go from calling smash players pedos who weren't pedos to insecure when you call loli porn pedophilia will never not be amusing.


okay then masturbating to drawn feces doesn't make you a scat fetishist

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Personally for me out of all the fags I hate, I hate the tf2 fags less since tf2 is an alright game, But pretty much sonic fags are the worst, They are the definition of cancer, And nupersona fags pretty much ruined the entire image of the series and possibly the series itself, For some reason they all claim they where massive persona fans, and you can easily tell they are nupersona fans if they also claim they are a nintendo fan.

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>There are zero women who play competitive Super Smash Bros
Fuck women.

You're a hypocrite because you have double standards for a game that you happen to like. People respect TF2 over Overwatch. Is it because of the "communities"? Well, both communities are the same, every server you play in you will find trannies furries and faggots, so why do people respect tf2 more? Because of the game itself, you don't get in trouble for typing gg and shit. So if tf2 is like this and overwatch is woke, why are both communities the same? Because all video game communities are the same. When I was a teenager, I was a unselfaware tendie that ate up nintendo shit and always talked about how Sonic was the "worst video game fanbase". Now I've grown up and realized all "kids game" fanbases are the same and I realize how much of a faggot I've been. When I see adults talk about how bad the smash community is while being completely okay with say, Street Fighter or FighterZ, I'm basically looking into a mirror of my past self.

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lold when I noticed zero, that guy has been kicked out and shunned now.

lowkey felt good after his death, it felt like leaving a concert you didn't want to go in in the first place, finally some silence and quiet and i bet his community of pedos felt awful that day

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most of them

Any indie game “inspired” by soÿbound