Is the correct option to double down on the Genophage?

Is the correct option to double down on the Genophage?

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If Wrex is dead than yes

When people complain about ME3, they almost always complain about the ending, but it was honestly everything that came before it that bothered me.
Especially how they decided to handle the conclusion to all of the interesting and morally ambiguous subjects from the previous games. Because they set up this set of tragedies and very complex issues, only to not only have you resolve all of them in the third fucking game, but to making pretty much every single one of the just completely, 100% one-sided and basic.

Oh, Geth and Quarians are a fucked up scenario?
Yeah - here is a solution that proves Geth are actually nice guys, everything can be solved and forgoten, hell, Geth will even cure the immunity problem, done!
The bug race that nearly exterminated the whole gallaxy?
Yeah - they learned their lesson and are now good guys, problem solved.
Genophage? Yeah, it's evil, cure it, everything is fine now.

It's so fucking stupid and cheap it fucking hurts. More than the fucking ending did.

I understand what they tried to do. In the case of the the Genophage the Krogan are historically brutes. But it's not like the Salarians and Turians are dindus. They uplifted them for the specific purpose of using them as weapons to fight their wars for them. They broke the prime directive and then when the Krogans did what they've always done they poisoned them on a molecular level. Which is fucked up. But yes we can't ignore Krogan propensity towards violence. Like Blood Rage is a known part of their physiology. But it's not like the Krogan aren't changing. Wrex is a meathead but he's not stupid and though he has to strong arm the leadership towards improvement, they are improving if slowly.

So it's a matter of whether you have faith in Wrex and Bakara to make them more than they've historically been. I mean if you vaporized people for acts of barbarism then we wouldn't have made it this far so it's only fair if the Krogan can get the same shot especially if they have good leadership. If they don't and they get leaders like Wreave, who encourages their worst impulses, then Shepard has less reason to believe they'll improve.

The main problems with the Genophage story is that we're not connected enough with the Dalatrass to give her word the time of day over Wrex whom we know. Also while we see the plight of the Krogan in ME2 and partially in 3, we don't get to see much improvement in the species as a whole outside of Clan Urdnot.

you're missing the fact that whatever you did previously doesn't matter either.
>did you save the bugs? they turn evil
>did you kill them all? uhhhh we found some other ones under the sofa!

Ethically it would be better to either cure them or just openly genocide them over making it acceptable to genetically manipulate another sapient species against their will.

That path leads to Qutards

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>In the case of the the Genophage the Krogan are historically brutes. But it's not like the Salarians and Turians are dindus.
Well that is the fucking point: the situation is ambiguous, there isn't a clear "good" answer. But the game frames these issues as if there was morally a right solution, and it's always the cheap "be the bigger man, give them a chance" message which is AWFUL in the context of how these stories were set up previously.
Yeah, be the bigger men, give these hive-mind civilization-eating locusts a chance!", that sounds fucking great.

I liked the weight of these setups. I'm not saying the game should have gone the other direction, I'm saying they should have maintained the ambivalence of these themes. We don't NEED to see the question of genophage resolved, we already have other major plotlines, one that are happening right now, to contest with.

The whole idea that everything needs to be resolved, and it needs to be resolved NOW, and it needs to have clear morally right and wrong solutions is so fucking cheap, it makes the world feel so superficial. It's a terrible worldbuilding and writing on top of cheap morality that fails to actually challenge the player.

To me, these things were what ruined ME franchise more than ten andromeda's could. It just sucks the air out of the settings.

You would think if they can genetically alter a species to have fucked up fertility they would have invested some time into making them smarter and less violent with neuroscience.

That's a good point. No snark. There should be something like Wrex thanking you for saving his people but someone pointing out that Shephard is allowing his relying on 2 Krogan to change the paradigm of the species. And for that paradigm shift to happen when the galaxy is at its weakest. I stand by what I said earlier though. There needed to be a Salarian equivalent of Wrex to give more weight to the opposing argument of curing the Genophage. On paper the Dalatrass makes a decent argument. But no one gives a fuck about what she had to say because she's just some rando.

Mass Effect made it too easy to spec into Weapons and Charm.

>There needed to be a Salarian equivalent of Wrex to give more weight to the opposing argument of curing the Genophage.
That, or just don't make your story revolve around this subject matter at all. Again - not everything the story set up about the universe needs to be resolved in this game. The fact that every single one of these major themes - the bugs, the krogan, the geth - needs to be solved by the player before the story wraps up.
All of these themes were set up to be issues that have been troubling this universe for HUNDREDS of years. Why does it all have to be resolved NOW, and why does it always have to be the player who resolves that.

It's like if you made a 40k world RPG and by the end of it, you'd cure Necron's of their immortal curse, revived emperor, solved racism and paranoia in empire, convinced Orks to channel all their aggression to non-lethal sports, unified Eldar and all of you together defeated the Chaos.

Why? Why not leave some of the universe as a universe, why make everything hinge on the player. It cheapens the world-building SO MUCH when you take every major thousand-years ongoing, complex, morally insanely grey theme, and then just let the player solve it in like a week.
It makes it so fucking obvious that these problems aren't SERIOUS, that everything was there so that our plucky hero can just say "ok, I have some time left, let's resolve ALL PROBLEMS IN THE GALAXY." Because really, the last few hundred years, everyone was just lazy and waited for our MC.

People were angry about the ending, but I have grown to DESPISE Mass Effect 3 before the 2/3rd mark for this shit.

Depends on the ending you chose

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Yes. Wrex may be great but he is one of the very fucking rare few, like that one black guy who is a complete bro that everyone knows.

The Salarian equivalent of Wrex was Mordin but he goes full genophage was bad despite spending the entire previous game 100% certain it was the right call and that the Krogan are retarded for letting it cripple them so much considering they would have modest population growth, even with the genophage, if they just focused on breeding. Hell even Wrex in ME1 admitted that the problem was the Krogan mindset and no the genophage. I still usually cure them because apparently the Krogan are evolving out of the genophage and it's better to cure them yourself and have them be grateful than deny them just for them to cure themselves or be cured by someone else and have them as a consequence be angry and vengeful

Yes. One good nigger doesn't change the fact that the rest of the race is fucked up.
Wrex himself explains to you in the first ME that all their race cares about is chimping out. He says that's because they like it.

Don't back down. Double down.

is wrex dead by default in 2? cant remember

>We don't NEED to see the question of genophage resolved
I disagree.
Mordin's questline in ME2 made it perfectly clear that the Genophage would eventually result in the unintended extinction of the Krogan species. Once the short-term goal of the Genophage was achieved, factors beyond control or prediction entered into play that threw Salarian/Turian models into disarray. Grunt's questline thereafter demonstrated that the species is unlikely survive more than a few generations as they grow increasingly more desperate.

However, one of the most important parts of Mordin's questline is the information that the Genophage was slowly being bred out of the Krogan, and that it required updating/modification to remain in effect. Thus, the Genophage changed from some weapon that was deployed in wartime into a condition that the Turians and Salarians were foisting on the Krogan. The decision(s) to update the Genophage were entirely different than the wartime justifications for its initial deployment. The Turians/Salarians have been deliberately sterilizing Krogan that had nothing to do with the rebellions without any immediate justification -- only the speculation about what could be based on what has been.

Rationalizations aside, the question of the Genophage is a question of whether this species should live or die. No more, no less. In Mordin's case, this question is the culmination of his character development as he wrestles with the competing moralities within his own psyche -- preempting a clear and present danger vs the immorality of killing an innocent to save an innocent. The doctor finally prevails over the intelligence officer, so Mordin's answer is simple: first, do no harm.

The Player's choice can be more nuanced and practical. But to say that the Genophage is not the single most pressing issue (obviously outside of the Reapers) for any crew-member species in ME3 is to misunderstand the severity of the situation as it was presented in ME1 and ME2.

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Krogan are space niggers and should be wiped out.


>krogan lay give birth to 1000 young a year
>genophage makes this one per year
>every krogan couple can still shit out one child per year

Yes, obviously. And if they hadn't retconned Wrex going into ME3 from ME2, he'd have agreed, since his entire storyline in 2 was about making the krogan culture change in order to adapt to the genophage, and a cure would pull his power base from under his feet.