*ruins Half Life 2*

*ruins Half Life 2*

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How so?

she made me realize I will never have a cute blaisian girl with a cool dad and a nice ass sit on my face

i mean she's ugly i guess
i also hated that the game hinted that she liked Gordon

she fucking ugly

*ruins Half Life*

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Thanks a fucking lot, Gay Ben

forcing you to look at her facial animations and listen to her talk for 15 minutes in red letter day instead of shooting enemies


oh wait...


why did she want to fuck gordon so bad?

Goldsrc is absolute garbage and I'm tired of pretending it's not.


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so it's a half life game?

I thought she was only mildly annoying in HL2, but in Episode 1 they really lay it on thick with the "Gordon, you saved me!" "Good job, Gordon!" "Good to see you again, Gordon!" stuff. Also:

>non-white but not too non-white
>conventionally attractive but not too attractive
>can fight and climb and hack stuff but still needs to be rescued by the hero

They really really want the player to like Alyx and I found it grating.

>non-white but not too non-white
She's black and Asian. I don't think it's mathematically possible for her to be less white.

Did he know Gordon Freeman was in stasis? Or was he hooking up his daughter with someone who could be her father in his mind?

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good save blessed user

I am talking about skin color. I believe that she was designed to be a safe, neutral, middle ground shade. Too dark some people complain, too light other people complain.

Asians count as white in goymerica

If the really really wanted the player to like Alyx, they'd have given her bigger tits

they gave her a round ass and visible thong instead, valve knows what's good in life
they already did big tits in HL1 with the black ops assassins. between alyx and the cut combine assassins, HL2 was going to be all ass, all the time

Big boobs are too obviously for sex appeal and your game will get slammed as being juvenile. Better to give her tight pants, show a little midriff, and talk about how she and the player should make babies.

Half-Life? She fucking ruined fanservice as a standard. To this day, she's used as an argument to claim that just because a game has a female character, she doesn't need to be sexualized to be popular. Which is itself a strawman argument.
They ignore the fact that she would be way more popular with she at least had big boobs. With top notch graphics for the time, she would have entered top 5 most popular vydia girls, among the likes of Lara Craft (classic), Samus, Mai Shiranui and Chun Li.
But no, Valve just had to be such huge faggots and take their game too seriously

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>show a little midriff
It's not even a huge amount, you can't even see her navel, it's like an inch between her sweatshirt and her jeans but goddamn did they line it up just right (especially in the back) and made me realize I had an overly specific fetish.

I fucking hate Marc Laidlaw. He is a shitty awful writer and Gordon is nothing except his fart-sniffing self-insert.
That's why in the first game, Freeman has Laidlaw's books and a pic of Laidlaw's son in his locker.
That's why in the second game, Freeman is a messiah leading le epic reddit rebellion against le heckin' EVIL fascist regime.
And that is why Freeman is just Laidlaw with hair.

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>screenshots own incoherent 0 reply post
>continues to schizopost about some random writer
why are valve haters like this

Alyx is 24 in hl2 and gordon is 27
Source: Google

Doctor Semen, I presume

*enhances Half-Life*

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