Splatoon 3 is the best game of the year

splatoon 3 is the best game of the year
change my mind

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only pedos are playing splatoon 3

there have been literally no games this year

its the exact same game as splatoon 2...

only pedos arent playing splatoon 3

true. best game of the past 2 years then

ps5 no games? more like gaming industry no games

ever hear of a little game called... oh i dunno, ELDEN RING????

Attached: elden.png (978x690, 19.97K)

souls games are absolute fucking garbage. i'm ashamed of myself for beating most of them

Ah, true.
There has been literally 1 game this whole year.
ps3 only one game? more like gaming industry only one game.

This but unironically

I never meant it ironically. I haven't had this much fun since doom eternal

Attached: FA19941F-8491-4865-A43A-D3372B23A481.jpg (4032x3024, 2.86M)

>There's a Splatoon 3
>There's a Splatoon 2

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Here's how I rank it so far, out of a score of 100:

>shooter without KBM support- 5 points off
>trying to argue that anything can replace KBM - 5 points off
>asking me to pay money to play online- 5 points off
>obnoxious and terrible singleplayer with no difficulty- 5 points off
>needing multiplayer to justify the price tag- 5 points off
>MLP-undertale tier fandom- 25 points off

So right now it's at 50/100, and that's being generous.

butthurt zoomie thread

phoneposter and soijak poster

Attached: Gotys.jpg (2500x2375, 2.09M)

>yearly souls rehash
You faggots are becoming more annoying than FIFA and COD faggots

gyro is the future and you know it. we comin for yo mouse white boy


Psssh, nothing personnel, kid.

He looks like a Fromtard.

gyro is shit and I was max rank in splatoon 2 using analog sticks only. what was it? X with some stars or something

>these niggers have no easily parroted shitposting "criticism" about splatoon so they resort to these retarded falseflags
this board should be nuked

>pays $80 for soi-cons instead of getting $20 chinese knockoff that never drifts

It's so weird to see the original image


>buy 10 dollar mouse and keyboard from walmart
>still using them 3 years later

the entire website as this point
>you like x?? you must be... le soijak/zoomer/trannie/nigger/whatever!!!1!1

no funny meme arrow so you look like that and say that

>doesn't get le latest $200 keyboard every 2 years despite the old one being fine and basically the same in terms of performance
NGMI (i actually behave like this please help)

like i said, not ironic, i soi'd so hard when i first popped the cart in