
>Get the fuck up, Joel!
> You need to have a Last of Us Thread

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Any Forums is physically unable to talk about these games (ones they haven’t played btw)

Shit game

what did neil mean by this?

Why did they kill Joel in cold blood but spared her? Makes no sense

Nice try Jim Ryan, you won't fool me.

they should have raped her

Because a jew wrote this story

Sequel ellie is ugly as fuck. Reminds me of an early stages ftm.

Shit jew cuckman

kill yourself shill rat

>making threads about games on the gaming board on the website meant for video games and anime is shilling
would you prefer video game butts #4000?

Manny and Mel wanted to, but Owen and Abby objected. Manny was right in wanting to “clean up,” and the game could have been entirely avoided if they put bullets into Abby and Tommy right there but that doesn’t make for good game design now does it

Why did they ruin her?

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unironically yes

>would you prefer video game butts #4000?
compared to this shit game, absolutely

Must be great basing your entire personality around being a contrarian

I would've been okay talking about the first game, but you had to remind that the sequel ruined it and now I don't feel like talking anymore.

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I don't like The Last of Us, I think it was a good story but it's still a completely unremarkable game that people praised endlessly because the crowd that only plays third person shooters had never played a game with a good story before. I didn't play Part 2 but I can't imagine they "ruined" it since all the plot has going for it is moral ambiguity anyway so they just needed to keep that going.

Why is she so fucking YOKED