Genshin Impact

Cheat me, Dori.

Attached: genshin-impact-dori.jpg (1920x1080, 220.36K)

I love this jew

Attached: 1655925463707.webm (512x512, 1.63M)

Two trailers on this 4* jew loli already. She better be good or else.

eh she'll be A tier at best nothing on her kit really convinces me

>she'll be in 3.2 event for free

Damn I don't know if I should waste primos wishing for her and risk fucking over my pity now. 3.2 is pretty far away but fucking over my pity would suck.

played the game with my friend's account and damn boys how the hell can you actually play the game for this long without wanting to play some real shit like pc games or console games without making your phone suffer in exchange of killing some zelda mobs in a painfully slow rate despite using the best combos in the game

don't roll you retard

Built for big Asian cock

Don't roll, save up for the Egypt gang

>generic loli running animation

fuck i hope nahida gets an unique one

>alternate sprint is the best case scenario

Funny how she's a 4* and the only claymore user with unique charged attack.

many GS users have the spinning charge attack

>the only claymore user with unique charged attack.
The spin is the most common charge attack, just because her djinn does it doesn't mean it's unique

Footfags are the new bronies

The spin is common, but everyone used the same motion animation.
Sayu for example do the same animation just like any non loli claymore user.
Dori literally got different animation where she used Her Jinn to do the spin.

Is Jewri even good?


Ah yeah, I forgot about that bull.
His entire kit is build on his charged attack just like Ayaka.
I just wished Mihoyo changed Dori's running animation too when they already spend their time making an unique animation for her charged attack.

Floating along on the jinni would be cool, could even have changed her glide to use it instead of a wind glider.

I wish you people realise there's already a genshit.thread, or even better,a fucking board that is designed just for mobile games
Just because they didn't ban you from doing that doesn't mean you should treat every vidya related board as yours

Yeah, let's see if Dori is just Mihoyo trying to do something new for the upcoming Grass loli.

Taller adult camore users do autistic slashing instead of spinning

Eula has a unique end pose afterwards, but the slashing is the same as the others.

>alice gave dori her jinni

Well that's something.
