It's good

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for a faggot, hence OP

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Irs fun for a few hours. I'm a completionst so I gotta go through every side quest or point of interest as soon as I can and I got burnt out quickly.

it aight

I played it two different times, loved it each time. You'd think exploring constant different sand biomes would be boring, but it was actually more exciting to me than exploring Greece. I haven't even tried the Valhalla game. I think Origins was the only great nu-AC historical game. Odyssey was alright, and Valhalla is trash.

got bored. The loot system felt tacked on and pointless.

The characters are too dark. They should be olive skinned.

It is pointless, so is letting you upgrade them before you hit 55. Loot drops like water flowing down a river and every time you level it immediately bumps the level of whatever you can obtain so you can just live off of whatever drops from killing random enemies and then when you hit 55 you level match whatever you want. There's only like 50ish weapons when you don't count Helix Store items, and you can just cheat Helix Store items in whenever. Even then the best equipment in the game comes from the Trial of the Gods (Specifically the Anubis sword) which you can only reasonably get the highest tier of when you're in your 50s anyway so it's not like you're going to be caring about what you upgrade outside of your bow and maybe shield.

Did the Egyptians actually put giant gold capstones on their pyramids?

What’s the best one of these games? I’m downloading the third one (remastered) right now

2 is the best. 3 is trash

>I’m downloading the third one (remastered) right now
No. Stop that download, pirate the original version of 3 or get the original version on console. Remastered is a complete downgrade and the only thing you get from it is a realtime item wheel, whistling in bushes, DLC included, and a couple outfits from the newer games, that's it. It introduces more glitches, doesn't fix any of the older glitches, makes the visuals significantly worse to the point that it's broken in some areas outright like the Homestead's tavern and church, it ruins multiple main story scenes because of the new lighting, the new subtitles are three times as large as the original and mistimed, and more.

2, Brotherhood, Black Flag, Unity, Origins are their best. 1 is good too if you can put up with some of its slower movement and repetition.

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This looks like they synthesised a pic in dalle-2 and added extra details so it won't look like ai

it's good but this is great

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Yeah. I never finished it though. Got to a point where I just had to tap out. Gave up on ever even trying assassins vikings or assassins greeks.

map too big. map too empty. Zero Dawn had the perfect balance

I really liked it but the two following it feels like getting my balls smacked by some strange woman in a black latex suit

Alright, I’m downloading 2 instead now


I love Egypt, fascinating culture.

It takes place RIGHT after 1. You're going to be confused as fuck if you don't play it first. It's short so you can blast through it in a couple days.