Just set my system locale to JP, what am I in for?

Just set my system locale to JP, what am I in for?

>also, general VN thread

Attached: baldr sky.jpg (616x353, 124.94K)

Story of your life, son. Also the gameplay was fun too.

Set the game to Very Hard for a really fun time.
I don't quite consider BS a VN. It's more of a JRPG with some five hour long cutscenes at times.

A mediocre VN and a really fun action game

Make sure you install the 18+ patch

Muramasa > Muv Luv > Baldr Sky

Attached: muramasa-kowai.jpg (1024x576, 43.02K)

pretty much this

the hypest final boss of all time


I'm just about to play this tonight too, what am I in for with the 18+ patch?

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here's my list of upcoming VNs (or VN-adjacents) I want to read, I'm not looking for more suggestions but are there any I should remove to trim it down a bit?

428 Shibuya Scramble
Corpse Party
Flower, Sun and Rain
Hotel Dusk
Know By Heart
Lockheart Indigo
Mushoku Tensei
Redaction of the Golden Witch
The Sekimeiya: Spun Glass
The Silver Case: 25th Ward
Time Hollow
The House in Fata Morgana
The Witch's House
Trace Memory

>428 Shibuya Scramble
It's touted as this hidden gem here, but I personally didn't like it
Make sure you read the Noah version
>Mushoku Tensei
It has a vn version? Either way, the web/light novel was dumb fun, but not something I'd consider 'good'. Easy trim
>Witch's House
Technically not a VN. Still really good, and really short, go play it

Oh thanks, I'll bump Witch's House up a bit then

The porn is... Okay, I guess. Certainly not the highlight (that spot is reserved for the gameplay), but I enjoyed Kirishima and Aki's routes

Attached: Nishino.Aki.full.54515.jpg (1600x1200, 536.33K)

None of the girls look particularly attractive to my tastes except the brown one but she doesn't have a route

Carlos Supremacy

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top-down DMC gameplay

This image has been boggling my mind lately. Aren't tsurugi supposed to be big mechas? Why the fuck does it look like a powersuit here and why is it everywhere when it's blatantly wrong?

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It's pretty fun game and story wise

Attached: Baldr_Sky_combo.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

Subahibi > Muramasa > Baldr Sky > Muv Luv

Attached: 16151835172370.png (2000x3200, 3.66M)

Tsurugis are pretty much super powered suits of armour, they might make you a bit taller but that's pretty much it

Attached: Muramasa_SOUL.png (800x600, 332.12K)

>Time Hollow
the most mediocre and forgettable game on the entire console, skip
play subahibi instead