Tripwire disables purchases of KF1

Now that it was on sale I was hoping to get it but apparently you can't purchase it anymore

If you try buying the collection it asks you for ownership.

There's speculation of it being disabled so that people would purchase KF2 instead

Thoughts on this?

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Considering how jewish Tripwire are that sounds about right

Dev said it was a mistake on the forums.

Why hasn't it been fixed since they said that? The sale is about to end

Try G2A. It's a much better game than KF2.

I pirate everything I don't care

sounds like a legit fuck up

Didn't they just give KF2 free on Epic?

it's a multiplayer game

because valve is a lazy nigger company you god damn subhuman

Fuck Kikewire
KF1 is pure SOVL and I will never stop playing it
Meanwhile I never even touched KF2 because it always looked shite

Attached: 1444711475269.gif (394x297, 1.26M)

Why did they fuck up KF2 so much?
It looked so promising and the updates were good for a bit.

>shit netcode
>shit spawn system
lmao this shitty company just can't win
Anyone with game sense will get angry at the amount of cheating KF2 spawn system does.

What's wrong with it now?

Garbage game + chink spyware
kill yourself

>There's speculation of it being disabled so that people would purchase KF2 instead
retards on the internet speculate all kinds of things despite the truth being a few clicks away, seems like you're one of them

I'm not saying go play it I mention it because it might have something to do with it

Imagine being responsible for this fuckup. Every minute this game can't be bought someone who would have bought it turns away

What is it with devs nowadays? Why do they give so little shit about money? I feel like almost every game that isn't sold to wokedom is still saddled with bugs and other signs of incompetence

t. Kikewire dev

I don't have it installed, but this is the latest $10 DLC weapon (1)

Dumb argument.
KF1 made 99.99% of the money it will ever make.
You're basically buying a retro collectors item at this point.



sorry you're a brainlet

t. Kikewire CEO

the game has been in maintenance mode by outsourced chinese dudes for a while now
really no point in faking outrage right now