Game gets shut down after a long service period

>game gets shut down after a long service period

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>rothschild puppet "dies"
who cares

>neverending support for a single (ONE) game
I hate this so much

There will be a lot of lower class children mysteriously disappearing over the next week before she recovers.

>good guys win the end

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I'm in favor of a united Ireland purely because the current border is unaesthetic.

Skin the lizards race war now

England will never allow the Queen to die, she'll eventually turn into some kind of 40k emperor where it's just a corpse hooked up to a machine.

Do Americans actually think we WANT Northern Ireland? It's some bullshit holdover from centuries back and nobody alive today wants the trouble it brings.

>invasion from Ulster
Now hold on a fucking moment

Imagine being Charles and living long enough to become a skeleton before you ever get to become king.

>China can control land the size of an entire continent
>The English can't even control their own tiny island
Why are euros so pathetic?

Oops I forgot to mention I am transgender btw!

Weren't you sent packing by some middle eastern farmers recently?


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>queen dies on 9/8
>not on 9/11
it's all so tiresome

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Quick rundown
is the queen of england dead?

I’m an unhealthy bastard who was born like 60 years after her but I’m happy I can outlive the queen .

reminds me of that tragedy

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we dont know yet but its likely

why do brits still support monarchy?
Isn't that shit completely cucked?

Nothings confirmed but it isn't looking good. God save the queen.

thank god the bitch is finally gonna die


>family is flying in
>everyone hush hush about it
She's either dead or in the process of dying.

By the way they're acting she's either on the way out or already dead and they're dealing with some formalities before making the official announcement.

what happened tho?


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britbongs is your queen ok?

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was it really that bad?

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old age happened

1/64th Oirishmen barely even grasp where the landmass is

shes just old