This game is the most unpleasant experience simply due to Nintendo's incompetency

This game is the most unpleasant experience simply due to Nintendo's incompetency.
>Endless challenge is just a stream of shit from retarded kids
>Top level categories are filled with auto garbage or copypasted SPEEDINGRUNS
>There is no way to find decent levels or decent worlds in-game
>The maximum level length is very short, so it's impossible to make a good traditional level
>Lack of tags
>Constantly punishes good/original level creators because of the terrible algorithm
They basically need to change algo so it works similarly to Youtube: you get offered levels based on your taste and the taste of the people who like the same content. I really like MM2 mechanics and physics, but I had to go back to SMW hacks just because I can't find decent levels to play.
LittleBigPlanet devs did it better.
>You can check your favorite creator's favorite creators
>You can check all the favorite levels from someone's profile, no limits
>Frequent contests and dev picks category
>Harmless bugs and glitches are purposely never fixed, so it boosts creativity mode

Attached: 1634029369901.jpg (1600x800, 265.84K)

Ryukahr used to be a fun youtuber, now he sucks and lost his charm, truly a sellout

I dunno why you'd expect less when Mario Maker one is just as bad if not worse. There are rom hacks with better quality

I expected improvements. It's a sequel after all.
>There are rom hacks with better quality
Yes, but the SMW engine is pretty dated.

I thought Mario Maker 2's online was fucking leagues ahead of the shitshow Mario Maker's 1 was, yet for some reason it didn't hold my attention nearly as well as MM1 did and I stopped playing within about 2 weeks. I can't really tell if it's due to the lack of gamepad or not but MM2 really just didn't click with me the same way despite it basically just being 1 but more.

>SMW engine is dated
Then go play the Mario 64 mods or 64 DS. SMW might be dated but incredible hackers still find interesting things to do with it which is more than I can say for Mario maker shit.

That game is whack and I never understood the praise. I just want 2D Mario content with good physics and fixed hitboxes. Basically, everything SMW hacks can offer, but in MM2 engine.
You probably played too much of MM1 and got burned out. I would have played 2 more if it wasn't a jump into the sea of shit every time.

The truth is they are actually very competent, they deliberately gimped their games so they wouldn't compete with their games. Never liked how it controlled or how unfocused it was. I'm the same with SMBX; though that has better levels and more creativity, can't get over how it controls.

yea. But it's still better than MM which is the equivalent of a coloring book.

>Never liked how it controlled

I'm still mad they said they actually recreated the original game physics for each game mode but because play testers had a difficult time adjusting to the changes in physics between them they said fuck it and made every mode use NSMB controls instead.

While we're at it, recommend some SMW hacks.

I wish mario multiverse would get out of closed beta

>they said
hearsay; does it actually control 1:1 nsmb?

play whatever you like, you're incapable of critical thinking or you are; either way you should fuck off and do your own research rather than pitiful attempts at keeping a thread bumped that forego any discussion

Do not know, but unified physics was the right idea. Imagine actually adjusting muscle memory on the go.
Aggressive and low IQ, many such cases.

>he said bumping the thread
I agree that MM2 is a big disappointment in terms of online (both the mp and just looking for levels and creators), but I still put 1000+ hours in it. Creating levels is just fun, even if they get played by like 10 people and cleard by 1.
I hope if there's a MM3 it will be supported better by nintendo.

>I do not know

Well good for you. You had 100s of hours (this is your argument) of fun with a coloring book.

What the fuck are you on about? I'm not arguing.
I'm just saying that even though it is a letdown I still had fun with it. I'm not disagreeing with you.

I just want to know if it will control well but it's highly unlikely it will release without being c&d'ed

the last version I saw someone play controlled like SMB1, which is pretty shit. If they can give it better physics it's going to be great.

Same thing happened to thabeast. He was always cringy wbut he would grind out difficult levels and beat them. That was his only appeal now he stopped it.