Gives girl Tails a new personality and role, Any Forums

Gives girl Tails a new personality and role, Any Forums.

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Peppy bitch that pretends to be Amy's best friend but secretly sabotages all her attempts to woo him

Turing Tails into a girl also makes Tails appear more reliable?

Way too many pathetic losers self-insert as Tails to realize this but Tails should've always been a girl. Sonic hanging out with a 6-year old really hurts his image.

Sonic already looks like Felix the Cat, you can't ruin his image anymore than that.

i remember the tailsko shit on /f/

I see where you stole that from:

Nothing cramps your style more than a kid chasing you around.

Tails arc in OT/Adventure
>Looks up to Sonic
>Wants to be a hero too
>Shows himself to be a useful partner
>Takes charge when Sonic isn't around

Modern Tails in games
>whiny bitch
>doesn't know what to do without Sonic
>Just a useless little brother
>Need to be saved by Sonic

Tails wasn't always such a bad character.

Submissive bratty bitch boy
My boyfriend and lover

Cumsock for human men passing by.

the same role but she's 17 and awkwardly attempts to flirt with sonic sometimes.

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So hanging out with a six year old girl doesn't ruin his image?

No that's based

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I want to see Tails as a hacker and engineer who dismantles Eggman's robots and builds new gadgets, or reprogram said robots to turn against Eggman.

Rouge's apprehensive apprentice

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Use your head. Women are shorter and weaker than men so Tails doesn't have to prepetually be a kid to be a sidekick.

Not really, it's more a commentary on the expect roles of female characters. Romantic competition over the main lead and all

He said a different personality and role, user.

A fox is fine too...

Wait, you want to gender bend and age up tails? Also wouldn't that make him a Troon, which Any Forums hates so much?