How do we stop The Big Seven??

how do we stop The Big Seven??

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We can't.

I do belvive everyone of them (except for Tencent) owned by one single company

Not with that attitude

>every other company owns many different and diverse companies
>Ubisoft owns 50 different permutations of Ubisoft

ubisoft is the worst thing that happened to gaming

look at consulting firms.
before you know it there will only be a big 4

Full on guerilla warfare. Kidnappings and executions, suicide bombings, murder anyone associated with the company.

just like their games

Why don't you tell us more about your [big ideas] user?

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At least they're honest that they own the companies

kill CEOs and politicians
sucks that there's no other answer, but that's the world we live in.

Put BlackRock/Vanguard in the middle and it's perfect

Same as every other problem in this green earth: a catastrophe on a global scale

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can you imagine all the money they owned
all the manpower they had
and yet they release the same 3 soulless games every single time

Since when was there 9 rockstar studios?
Yet they still manage to pump out only GTAO shit and an awful remake.

>you now realize your games are being split 40/40/20
>40% of them are developed by poos
>40% are developed by the chinese
>20% are developed by US studios outsourcing to the other 2 with only trannies in the office
Lads, hold on to what little enjoyment you're getting for as long as possible. It's all only going to get worse and cost more from here on out.
No games will have dedicated servers. They will have hackers. They will have battlepasses. They will have anti-cheats that look at your files but don't ban anyone. Oh, you only play singleplayer games? How many do you think will come out in the next decade worth playing? Two? Maybe three?

I don't remember the last product I bought from any of these companies.

You literally know the answer. French Revolution. Of course, in a video game, but with capitalist themes targeting very wealthy people with names that the public dont know about.

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Indie gamers and pirates have never had it better, user.

>listing individual sites as their own studio
fucking gay