Halo bros

Halo bros..

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Hate 343 and I hate e-celebs so both can go fuck eachother.

>Halo bros
Acting like it's been "Halo" since Bungie finished with it

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>343 has literally never done anything right
>NOW its suddenly a problem
why are fans so fucking stupid

It's like a newspaper headline from the Simpsons

Let me translate that
>My paychecks ran out so I will no longer shill product

>another literally who e-celeb thread
This board is fucking garbage.

Et millään viittis lopettaa twitteri lankojen tekemistä?

Scratching the surface

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I've had a lot of fun with Infinite in both SP and MP, but 343 absolutely deserves to get shit on for how badly they handled the game.

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literally whos?

I think I’m going to uninstall infinite now, purely out of compassion for you guys with Stockholm syndrome.

This guy came off as such a faggot when my first encounter with him was reading Elden Ring "shitty hot takes"
Such a fucking retarded circlejerky waste of digital video space

fukken saved.
here, with another one that I added a good while back.

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why did you have that installed in the first place?

He didn’t uninstall back in January?

I honestly don't understand why people are so angry
The game has an 87 metascore with 96% critic approval. It was almost universally liked. Even user scores are positive.
Was the game good at launch and now shit? We all know this isn't the case. The game hasn't changed for the worse, zoom zooms are just angry about le ebin live service shit not being up to par with the likes of fortnite or whatever.

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imagine caring about halo after bungie left the building.

>Launched with less content than halo 3
>343 promises to add all that content through updates
>'hurr why people expect content updates?'

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Every time I think we have seen the depths of 343’s incompetence they find a new bottom. It’s almost a legendary quality at this point

343 Halo was never good, the franchise has been dead for over a decade now. Why the fuck did it take this long for people to realize?
It's not a surprise that Infinite is shit and mismanaged when Halo 4 was shit, Halo 5 was shit, and Halo MCC was shit and mismanaged to fuck.
Just move the fuck on already, let it die.

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The core gameplay is good, 343 just decided to go the sellout route with low effort cosmetic items

Is the campaign worth a play?

Mcc is great now

Is it really any surprise that people who insist that making games is and should be political end up acting like politicians, lying and making empty promises?

Yeah but it took over half a decade to be consistently playable and it still has problems 8 years after release.

It only took them like 8 years or whatever... Also don't give 343 too much credit for merely just making a fucking launcher for games that developers far more competent than them developed.

Based. They won't listen to actual fans like him or his audience though, they only listen to "video game" "journalists" and twitter tranny mobs.

aaa games will never be good again unless leftwing policies like affirmative action and gender/race based hiring and promotions are stopped

microtransations coming soon lol

>I honestly don't understand why people are so angry the game has an 87 metascore with 96% critic approval.
"The game is good because journos said so" metacritic is shit.