Pokemon on suicide watch. The new king is here

Pokemon on suicide watch. The new king is here.

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The game is still really fun despite that. The battles are fun with duos and the stamina system. The different elements also work pretty well.

>mmo format
>double battles
>can't pkhex/pokesav/showdown team build for competitive battling
it's trash bro, do you think anyone actually earns their perfect EV/IV mons unless they're pitifully autistic?

>Full price
>Battle pass

I think not user.

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It was $30 when I bought it, and you can turn off all UI notifications for the battle pass and ignore it completely.

This, I would buy it for half that price, maybe.

>I suddenly have "standards" now
poketendîes are a funny bunch

>Meanwhile Nintendo jews out Pokemon by hiding paywalled Pokemon behind a 30 dollar DLC on top of a 60 dollar game

Meanwhile Temtem literally sells OPTIONAL battle pass and cash shop which is purely cosmetics. And you can still earn their Novos in-game currency while you play anyways.

Fuck Nintendo unironically.

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Lmfao THIS. So much this!!

wasn't this a moneyhatted epic exclusive with devs who shat on their own kickstarter backers for being outraged at taking Tim's money for an already fully community-backed project? maybe that was some other shitty ripoff pokemon-looking game.

>cant... showdown team build for competitive battling
pretty sure you can
still wont beat loading it up in my browser but i should be able to have some fun with this

Reminder not to buy this game. The creators hate you.

ooblets (surprised they lived that down and actually managed to release)

Lmao got banned from Temtem?

The monster designs and evolutions are trash

They look like fucking Pokemon what are you even talking about retard lol

Wouldnt touch this shitty ripoff with a 10 foot pole, shill.

Kys nigger shill

Evolutions have x but bigger syndrome, not at all creative.
I will stick to smt and pokemon thank you very much

>They look like fucking Pokemon what are you even talking about retard lol
Shills WILL defend this.

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Keep stroking and sucking that fat Pokemon cock and being hamfisted with half finished products by a multi-billion dollar company. Can't wait until you're willing to get fucking pegged harder when Scarlet/Violet fails.


No one normal will ever bother with tranny games like pokémon or they/them, you faggot shill.

That looks fucking great. I like it. Not every design will suit your taste. Some will look bad, some will look good. That looks better than most Pokemon

imagine being a grown ass man still playing pokemon and a chinese mmo

>when Scarlet/Violet fails.

p2w pokemon, great

Fuckin kill yourself faggot.

>Not every design will suit your taste. Some will look bad, some will look good.
>That looks better than most Pokemon
Why are you such a retarded fucking shill?

Your thinking of Ooblets.
They hated him because he told them the truth.

>responding to obvious bait

You can list one bad Temtem. I will list dozens of badly designed Pokemon easily. Stop being such a fucking retard

It's Spanish.
If you want Chinese though then Palword is two blocks down the street and to the right.

Theres more pokemon than temtems dipshit

People will try to refute this but you could redraw Innki, Drakash, Aohi, Chimurian, Yowlar, and many more in the Sugimori style, dump it on Any Forums pretending it's a S/V leak and people would eat it up.

>I'm only pretending uguise