There is no shame in not understanding these two masterpieces

There is no shame in not understanding these two masterpieces

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Who was in the wrong here?

Doom 2016 had a better halo styled multiplayer than what shit43 has been doing for the last decade with halo

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praetor suit looks weird in DE, they changed the color and some of the armor features

it's kino in 2016

>Doom 2016 had a better halo styled multiplayer
no it's quake style multiplayer, when the fuck halo had fast movement, bunny hopping, no reloading, health, ammo, power ups and armor pickups?

2016 doesnt have bunny hopping/strafe jumping

it was in the beta builds via console command but they removed

Eternal is so much fun, the gameplay is god tier but the level design is so underwhelming. I'm not even someone that wants mazes where I just get lost and frustrated looking for keys, but I wanted something more engaging than just a straight line through, 90% of the levels in the game doesn't even see you visiting the same location twice, it'd be fun if there was at least some more of that, a game full of levels like Super Gore Nest and it would have been one of the greatest games ever made.

Beat the first one and got filtered by the 2nd. Reinstalling 2 now actually for another go

>Obligatory unskipabble takedown cutscenes
Fuck outta here with that shit. I did it in Serious Sam 3, and it didn't work. And they were optional.
I refuse to go through the same crap ever again.

The Ancient Gods DLC levels are all bigger than the main game levels, except for maybe Final Sin. I found them a lot better flowing than some campaign levels (fuck Arc Complex and Doom Hunter base).
Part 1 is even higher kino than the campaign but Part 2 pales in comparison due to just how good TAG1 is.

My tip to you going into Eternal again is to have patience, finding a rhythm takes a bit of time, when you do find it, you'll have a blast.
Spend your first sentinel crystal on an ammo point, 2nd one complete the first
3rd an ammo one, etc. Getting max ammo before health/armor is recommended
Make sure the first rune you get is the air movement one, the game is miserable without it, but you'll get that already in the 2nd level I believe.

Also remember you can disable annoying hud shit you don't need to stare at constantly.

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go for it user, the key is to ditch the weapon wheel and bind every weapon to an easy key and learn the quickswaps. for example I have a mouse with 2 thumb buttons and I bound SSG and ballista to each of them. the quickswap that deletes marauders and other tough enemies becomes thumb-index-thumb-index and frees up your left hand.
at Ultra violence and above you NEED to be swapping
you do know you can just not use glory kills and shoot the enemies to finish them off right? you can also turn off the glory kill highlight in settings.
what's next, you'll complain about having to use the chainsaw all the time? see above, learn to rotate between your ammo types to maximise your damage. that and most arenas have PLENTY of ammo stacks throughout, you just have to not be a braindead nigger that repeats meme talking points.

Tried playing 2016 a couple of times and kept dropping out by the time you get the double jump/revenants show up.
I wish more enemies would spawn at any given time because otherwise I just can't enjoy the fights with how slow and staggered they are. The game just never felt like it pressured me much throughout a fight and I dislike that about it.

It's not a kbm game lmao cringe

Yeah you should give eternal a try

The actual scale of them I don't think is the main issue, more so that they're a straight line, like I said you will rarely in the campaign visit the same location twice in a map, and I think establishing locations in a map makes for more rewarding progression. SGN for example you will see locations you can't access at first, and through playing you'll eventually get there.

The Blood Swamps is a god tier level that I think would have been even better if the game didn't automatically force a teleport to the arena on you after collecting the shield pieces. The level gives you a clear objective, there are 2 different paths, trusting the player to make it back to the arena themselves would have made it feel more rewarding, they could have given the player a new path back to the arena to avoid backtracking, the teleport is my only criticism of the level, outside of that it is possibly my favorite level in the game

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2016 was better

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>baby cartoon enthusiast
>also prefers 2016
you're not doing your team any favors.

>play dlc
wow I can't wait to fight new and exciting enemies

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Doom 3 is the only good Doom