Why does he insist on showing his ugly face?

Why does he insist on showing his ugly face?

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It's iconic

He should really just grow a beard out and work out. He would look fine.

so we can all see what happens when you get hit with the ugly stick

t. someone with an uglier face

I don't even think he looks that bad as is, maybe I just have low standards

Honestly the poopstache is doing him no favors.

>frame rate drops below 59.978

imagine being mad about someone's face

John used to be pretty mad about it a couple of years ago.

Because the YouTube algorithms prefer faces in videos. That’s why you see more and more people showing their faces who previously would just talk over videos.

no one has the right to be mad about god's creation

His dweebish appearance lends credibility to his analysis

It's a pretty average face for tech/gaming youtubers

He has a bespoke face

bullshit, there's lots of gaming channels that don't show their grotesque faces.

so you can have someone to relate to

>John is usually doing this with a pained expression on his face
>Tom rarely shows his outside of their panel show
Doesn't help that those two have a grudge with each other either.

This scares me. I just made a channel and I don't appear on camera because I want to remain anonymous and I feel like I would instantly get more views by showing my face and having it in thumbnails. I want to remain anonymous though I feel like once your identity is out there people will shit in you every chance they get or try to find something to harp on and make you seem like a bad person or dig up some shady shit from your past. I have no idea how people are so comfortable being online personalities people always love you until they hate you. Almost every influencer or whatever you call them sees controversy even if it's for shit that is dumb small or really doesn't matter because that's just the nature of popularity. I dont want people to want to know every little detail about my life

Cuts down on b-roll footage needed

He looks totally fine, I've no idea why he was dragging himself down in that tweet. The internet does bad things to you I guess.

not camera ready

Pull a mexican wrestler and have a mask become part of your identity. So that when you do become famous it can become part of your branding and subsequent merch line.

He doesn't look fine.. but he shouldn't be so insecure enough to tweet about it

for me its spawn wave

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Create some otlandish masked persona and go balls to the wall crazy with it so that no one you know in real life would ever suspect that the lunatic in "that" hypothetical video is you.

>we suggest implementing a 30 fps frame rate lock paired with a bespoke per object motion blur setting

It was better when he didn't show his face.

>what the fuck did you just say about my wife's son?

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thats kind of retarded but also kind of not I guess?

and when he had that fake british accent (lol)


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