Is she just a slut? i literally accidentally romanced her

is she just a slut? i literally accidentally romanced her

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>i literally accidentally romanced her
>game literally tells you if you want to engage in romance

but u figured she would be hard to romance at all and yet just by doing quests it happened

>asks you to go swimming with her
>pours her heart out to you underwater
>she asks you to stay the night
>both of you are half-naked
>"you can take the bed, I don't fuck dudes lol"

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how was i supposed to know any of that? i thought she was just being friendly

People actually liked this rainbow slag?

>compliment how she looks in the swimsuit
>she tells you to back off

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she is adorable sorry you want some trad wife stuck up cunt

She's 90% tattoo and 10% nasally rat voice

how did i know you would be whinging about tattoos?

Why are you so rude. There's nothing wrong with normal women. In fact they're beautiful.

why do you think you have the right to tell women what to do?

Probably because there are only four groups who get tatoos
Military, navy, criminals, and fucking cavemen.

>he honestly believes this
whats it like living in the 1950s?

tattoo = slut

>Neon dyed hair
>classic punk haircut
>random tats

Golly user she might just be a slut.

i hope no woman ever has to put up with you

That's how it uses to be, Mr Periwinkle. Nowadays the young folk get inked for attention.

Where did I say that? You're just being rude to women for no reason because they don't get tattoos or have casual sex/whatever.

>panam puts her feet in my lap then immediately says she's straight
Women don't put their feet in your lap if they don't want to fuck you

You're right, he missed a category


>hurr durr tattoos make you look cool and let women know you're not a virgin
>WTF???? You think women that have tattoos are sluts???

I didn't even care because I was so bothered by the diving sequence. I have a lot of professional diving experience and can guarantee if you went down into those ruins as a couple of amateurs with no equipment, as is the case with V and Judy, you'd never come back.

>she goes to bed and asks me to stay

sure, next youre gonna tell me you "professional divers" dont hide your treasure in "totally dangerous caves"

My lesbian friend said she was disappointed she couldn't romance Panam who she liked more than Judy. She said, "Judy needs a hug, Panam needs a fuck."

She's a raging lesbian, so even if she is a slut it's cute

How do you feel about The Fast and Furious movies? Totally cool amirite?

>Romancing a member of the slut gang
>"is she just a slut?"

>tender getting uppity about a video game

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