Makes previously white character black

>makes previously white character black
>also makes him by far the most op character in the game
Your defense?

Attached: demo.png (400x371, 143.24K)

He's a Scot

best character so its excusable


he is flawed

>only black character in the game
>loud bombastic drunk with excellent jumping skills and an absent father
What did they mean by this

Attached: Dangeresque, Too.png (618x584, 248.94K)

Medic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Scout is the best class in the game.
>b-but muh Sniper
only in perfect play

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i love him (non-romantically)

the change means i get to kill niggers in my favorite video game. win for me.

Scout is good but Demo is so easily capable of destroying him with pipes and blocking off his flanks

Spy>Demo>Medic>Engie>Pyro>Heavy>Soldier>Sniper>Scout in terms of unique/fun designed gameplay
Not necessarily balanced though, Spy really needs a buff and melee needs a rework
Maybe in a TF3 that also removes all the artstyle ruining hats

His father worked himself to death to provide for the family, even if said work was just blowing shit up

>Praise Scout
>Posts Medic

It's funny to have a guy who's Scottish to the core who's also black.

well scots are not white in the first place so.........

How many jobs did Demoman Sr. have all at once?

I post what I want.

Attached: TF2 players.jpg (1500x2000, 322.69K)

Hes a walking parody of the 'no true scotsman' phrase, and I love it

quake tf demoman is black (I think)

Attached: 377-3777332_demoman-qwtf.png (264x424, 21.1K)

why did they try and nerf sticky launcher and then all the demo mains cried so hard it got reverted

>it's a family custom to be blinded by explosions
>his father had 300 jobs
>blood so thick he is sedated by intravenous moonshine that eats through jerry cans
>can't remember why his many eye surgeries
>nearly dies from normal food
>killer robots poisoned by his blood

Attached: C1978ECF-68A0-4D0F-8D9D-A958139E93FF.jpg (320x318, 15.32K)

His dad apparently had 26, when the mom was giving Demoman shit for having a morning off during his 3 jobs in the comic

I want to blame tourneyfags but even pub demos were shitting their pants over it
People like to joke about how Soldier players are entitled but they were clearly not around back then for that

Overhealing and uber are the most power things in the game

>fun gameplay
don't give me that "oh but when you pull if off and chainstab the whole team it's so awesome" shit you spend 80% of the time on Spy not playing the game

>why did they try and nerf sticky launcher and then all the demo mains cried
I wasn't even a big demo main at the time where it was nerfed, but it you think it wasn't terrible, you've probably never touched normal demoman a single time.
stickies were bad at spam and even traps after that, no shit everyone complained.

I got into this during the summer because of these threads and the meet the team videos
So this guy has one eye but how come when medic healed him in meet the medic his eye didn't come back? Is there a lore reason or was it an oversight?

i spend most of my time as spy goofing off in the intel room, picking up and dropping the intel constantly, spamming voice lines to mess with other players, laughing at the impotent pyro who spends 30 minutes spraying around like an idiot etc etc

and his missing eye was turned into an eldritch horror by a retarded magician


You find me another multiplayer game that has a cloaking, disguising and instakilling class