Would you play a game with third worlders employed as NPCs?

Would you play a game with third worlders employed as NPCs?

Attached: npc.jpg (1272x478, 127.67K)

That's just F2P games in general. To the corpos freefags are acting as bots for paypigs.

Third worlders are IRL NPC's as it is.
>live in shithole.
>do nothing to improve said shithole
>script change may tell one NPC to move to a developed country
>work as a cleaner or 7/11 storeperson to earn money to live in a community of other ex-third worlders.
>do this 40 years

yeah america's in a pretty bad state right now

This is the funniest thing I've ever read

That is pure fucking hilarious insanity, literally the plot of the movie Gamers
Hope this guy gets hunted down and shot , and I hate playing with non-native English speakers in games

Attached: Ah sweet man-made horrors beyond my comprehension.jpg (720x367, 109.37K)

What's the point if they aren't doing anything interactive anyway. Why pay someone to follow a script when you can just have a program do it for you?

>you will be an NPC in a popular videogame serving the rich and powerful users

>rare high IQ people get poached by first world countries
>low IQ mass get stolen too because first world countries can't breed their next gen slaves
Such a life being a third world leader.

>try to play online games
>constantly hounded by NPC SEAmonkeys and subhuman south americans
Yeah, no thanks.

>when you can just have a program do it for you?
You kinda need to know about visiongame and all that loser stuff to know that that's possible.

AIs an only react in so many ways

That was first posted here back when WoW gold farming child labour sweat shops in Romania were opened up.

>He continued "Right now we're working on a green initiative where we hook a generator up to the genitals of a small child and harness the power of child rape to mint NFTs. The sky is truly the limit!"

it's called taking a vacation lmao

And you think those "NPCs" would be allowed to react in ways that aren't part of their given script?

Reminds me of when people were killing runescape goldfarming bots and journos were writing articles about how that was morally wrong because those Venezuelans really needed the money.


I fucking hate how these morons think that NFTs actually bring anything new to video games.

>Become CEO of twitter, google, microsoft
>Deprive wypipo of their jobs and hire your extended family

No, that's awful. I don't care if they are third world subhuman, I don't do that shit others beings on this planet. Same with that neural-link bullshit. I don't want to know your thoughts or feels without a buffer. That should be private

that is dystopian as fuck