Explain why fallout 3 is good without mentioning Fallout New Vegas

Explain why fallout 3 is good without mentioning Fallout New Vegas

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Being able to be a genuine piece of shit edgelord that literally eats human flesh and nukes entire towns for no reason is actually pretty unique and fun.

fallout new vegas

It made an old IP relevant and popular again


This. The game is awful with the benefit of hindsight, but it introduced 90% of current Fallout players to Fallout, even if only through word of mouth.

it's basically oblivion, but with guns, but I have no personal experience.
I've heard the story is pretty good, but I wouldn't know.
The audio sounds a bit off from all the youtube soundtracks I've played.
The power armor part seems cool, but at the same time seems cringe.
So there you go, that's why it's good.


>The game is awful

it's fun, nice quests, great world, and quite memorable

They got Liam Neeson to voice your dad, so there was this really great emotional connection there.

Atmosphere and side quests+DLCs

>walks into a lethally radioactive room just to make everyone drink poisoned water

it's not. both of those games suck ass and attract idiots.

it really is a rather disappointing game. not that it was good even back then, but there really is no reason to play it in current year.

New Reno

It was an enjoyable RPG experience and my first Bethesda game because I didn’t play Oblivion. It had fun side quests and I enjoyed the skill system and the freedom to play it however I liked. Blowing up megaton just because I could was a great moment that I’ll never forget.

Maybe back then it had its merits, but going back through it right now there simply isnt anything that it does which other games doesnt do better

Pretty unique, resurrected fallout, allowed (some) choice, great setting

Fallout should have stayed dead.

Inon Zur.

ok, let me sip this cup of tea first.
First you have the dystopian atmosphere done better than any other game in 3D, only FO1 can actually match it in the series. Its grim, genuinely disturbing in the ultraviolence of life in the wastes (and not in the frankly comical way many games have towards violence) you will do things in this land that genuinely makes you feel remorseful such as killing gobs mother in underworld after you tell her you killed her son.
The gameplay is as tragic as any bethesda game but the satisfaction of clearing out a raider nest after seeing the hooked up meat of their victims makes up for the poor gun play. its janky but satisfying.
The story is barebones, it doesnt make much sense but nothing in fallout makes sense, it doesnt taker itself as seriously as the atmosphere might lead you to expect but that whimsical scientifiction quest THOSE! is a needed reprieve from the old terminal entries of life after the bombs fell.
Lastly it has some genuinely nice DLC that each try to do something different, the Pitt offers some incredible sites and Operation Anchorage is one of my favourite DLCs of any game ever, its just so fun to run through that sim.
Fallout 3 is a game that gets hate because it was a bethesda approach to the series, it offers something no other entry in the series does and that is an incredibly crafted post apocalyptic world that you can just up and explore. that bethesda is gone now and I think in the years to come we will really miss this era.