Well Any Forums? Who are you siding with?

Well Any Forums? Who are you siding with?

Attached: Fun vs no fun.png (680x649, 464.42K)

Whichever has more anime tiddies, so Nintendo.

pc gaming

Games need to be engaging, not necessarily fun.
Silent Hill 2 is a masterpiece of psychological horror video game yet you'd definitely not have fun playing it.

In my empire every user will be given big tittied anime waifus.

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>if the game isnt fun why bother
>release BOTW with the most un-fun mechanics

I-in case you have a flat chested one I will settle for that too..

>call OP a faggot
>now everyone thinks you’re a snoy

>agree with OP
>now everyone thinks you’re a tendie
what’s the winning move?

Wasn't the ending to TLOU2 literally just the same fucking trope of "if I kill you, I'll be just as bad as you" (despite the fact that the protagonist killed a legion of henchmen beforehand)

The atrocities anons would commit for this would be unspeakable.

Yeah and that gets him killed in the sequel

It’s sad because they actually subverted that trope all the way back in Uncharted 2, or at least called attention to the silliness of it. The final boss says something like “how many men have you killed Drake? How many just today?” I thought it was cool for a game to acknowledge the protagonist’s mass murder for once.

i had fun playing it. sounds like you just dont enjoy things even if you see their merit.

Uncharted was always cool because it never take itself seriously and was just dunb fun. fuck all the niggers who hates it was a way better franchise than tlou

this nigger missing the point on purpose just to prove his point

I think Pathologic is a better example

Agreed but I still feel like 4 dropped the ball with the story. I was shocked they actually went for something as cliche as a long lost brother, who Nate never mentioned once even in passing.

You're missing the point user. Fun is just another term for enjoyment so you can in fact have fun with games like Silent Hill.

>pc gaming

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Thats why modern post ps2 Naughty Dog suck. Jak and Crash was fun. Uncharted and Tranny Ass are too serious, dark and edgy.

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Druckmann's full quote:
>For us, with The Last of Us specifically (Uncharted is a little different in our creative approaches), we don’t use the word 'fun'.
>We say 'engaging,' and it might seem like a minor distinction, but it’s an important one for us.
This is very reasonable. TLOU2 actually is a lot of fun, in a grim way, but I understand why they might prefer to avoid that word.

>Fun is just another term for enjoyment so you can in fact have fun with games like Silent Hill.
To me at least, "fun" has certain connotations (it implies something relatively light and whimsical) and isn't interchangeable with "enjoyable".

>Who are you siding with?
Neither, they're both perfectly valid and valuable perspectives.
If I could somehow only pick one, I'd definitely say the Last of Us games are more important to me than Mario is. But I can fully understand those with the opposite opinion.

I prefer games that focus on gameplay
whether you want to call it fun or some other word means nothing to me

I still think Jak and Daxter is their best game.