Do action games need complex combat to be good?

Do action games need complex combat to be good?

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Pad or KBM?

They need combat that can be played simply or complexly
So for example Sekiro's combat is great because you can play with just parries and normal attacks, or you can mix a ton of different special attacks and shinobi tools as well as jumps and shit to make it more complex and interesting

I don't know but I started Sekiro recently and it's fucking amazing. Can't believe it's taken me this long to play it

Man Sekiro's combat was kino. Absolutely ridiculous

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Yes, of course they do. Otherwise they might as well be a musou with extra steps.

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bayonetta is pretty much a musou

This is why Drakengard has the best action combat in video game history.

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>Utterly mogs Sekiro

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>Do action games need to be more than a single minigame over and over

don't make me say it..

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Nice bait, dude. Here, have a (you).

Sure thing pal

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I don't think so. There were good action games on the NES and SNES that were simply with only a few buttons (and thus few actions). The key is to have varied stages and enemies that make you use those actions in plenty of different ways.
For example, a very simple action is jumping. But you can use jumping in a lot of varied ways, such as: jumping over a pit, jumping on a higher platform, jumping over an enemy, jumping over an enemy's attack, jumping on an enemy, etc.

No, but you can only be so good with something simple in my eyes. Complexity and depth are a must for a 10/10 game.

Thymesia has much, much better combat, but that's all it has going for it. I got the platinum in 10 hours.

>or you can mix a ton of different special attacks

I hope this is one of those threads where the image is supposed to be "this bucks the trend" and you're just sowing the seeds of discontent.

>posts bayonetta

and there is a middle ground between single button games and tryhard character action games.

>pots the best action game
Yes? What's your point, retard?

No. Sekiro is perfect as is. In fact, you could improve it by removing things.

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