Is still the best champion LoL has ever created

>Is still the best champion LoL has ever created

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Ootay, motherfucker.

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>decide to try league again
>playing top lane
>doing okay
>look bot lane
>bot feeds 3 times in 10 minutes and snowballs the rest of the game
>remember why I stopped playing league

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All ad carries are lame as fuck simply because farming for 20 minutes and then right clicking on your opponent is lame and boring.


Most of the new champs are lane but Vex is really good, she could honestly pass as an OG champ

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its one of the most braindead and easiest adc to play no wonder lol babies love it so much



Maybe not the best, but he's yet to have anybody since him be better from just a character standpoint. Fiddlesticks comes close.

OP posted the wrong character.

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they did him dirty in the new lore, really fucking dirty, same with leona

league is just barely OK to play with friends
Riot is so fucking SLOW at releasing new games it's astonishing. Just make a fucking diablo clone already so I can grind runeterra items and watch joe rogan

I don t understand how the same guy who made this champion, the goes on to make SENNA AND ZERI ..he got hit in the head or something


braindead champ for zoomers

t. homo

An OG champ didn't have things like "hit skill shot and recast for stun and dash" and they definitely didn't have a dash that cover the whole map

made, literally built for anal

This champ is so fucking overrated. His kit is so, so basic. RiotAugust is such a dogshit designer, every single one of his champions are boring as fuck to play with his last four being broken as fuck and boring to play. If you're going to design broken champions at least make them fun to play.

zeri is absolute cancer
I hate MOST new champs. Pls stop release

Jhin is fun as fuck, you are probably just dogshit

I get the zeri hate, but why senna hate? She's a pretty easy fight for me.

>replaces your va
nothing presonnell kid


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Nah, Kai'Sa is fun as fuck, Samira is fun as fuck. Jhin is one of League's most boring champions to play, his abilities are so lame.

just admit you can't hit them because you're trash

That or late game someone or yourself get's caught out, turned into a 60 second timer, leading to a loss with half a hour of time spent.

I only play ARAM now

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