Here's your Diablo 4 necromancer bro

Here's your Diablo 4 necromancer bro.

Attached: emo skrillex.jpg (827x764, 64.14K)

Not my Necromancer now that we can fully customize our character's faces.

I want her to stand over my face and release Rathma's blessing on me.


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lol. She does look like a dude wearing make-up.

more trannies with side cuts

THIS is my necromancer, bro

Attached: 1659995406560979.png (696x888, 449.02K)

but she’s flat as a board

I want to lick that board

Big tits fill your hand.
Small tits fill your heart.


It's about making her tits bigger through constant babymaking.

boo fuck necromancer bring my nigga back

Attached: diablo-diablo-3-reaper-of-souls-diablo-iii-witch-doctor-wallpaper-preview.jpg (728x1041, 146.18K)

I know this isn't the thread to say this. But I occasionally check out the cosmetics Diablo Immortal pumps out just to get an insight on what they might do for D4.
And jesus fucking christ, there's like a single good Male Monk paid cosmetic, most of the battle-pass stuff looks dog shit and the only premium store one that looks alright is the Amber Blades one.

People pay for this stuff??

Attached: file.png (800x450, 409.5K)

I would have liked this class if it wasn't clearly pantomiming the necromancer, and then cowardly adding the necromancer later

it was also cowardly to bring back the barbarian

now here we are, stuck with the same classes because blizzard is creatively bankrupt and scared to try anything different

I thought she was cute until I opened the fullsized image.

>clearly pantomiming the necromancer
>blizzard is creatively bankrupt
To be fair, every class they'd release would be pantomiming classes from d2 or d3

This is how I feel about them bringing back the rogue instead of the amazon. Javazon is my favorite.

That fucking hot. Visible ribs is so underrated

Javazon was too based for this world
>the sound of Lightning Fury murderdeathfucking an entire mass pack of cows with max pierce
>mfw I can't post my face because nigger jannies rangebanned files again

based austin

>I can't post my face because n jannies rangebanned files again
Is that why my ip got rangebanned recently? I tried to make a thread a few days ago and saw this (see pic). And I didn't even do anything bad or ban worthy.

Attached: Untitled.png (904x227, 14.07K)

>that hair
They just can't control themselves.

Witchdoctor was necromancer diversity edition, let's not pretend otherwise.
It's very concerning that the class hasn't returned to D4, some sjws should pay a visit to blizzard and sacrifice some white men on the altar there, just to show them who's in charge of their lifes and development studio.

Trying too hard to emulate 2's necromancer.

This looks much more interesting, ironically enough.

>highschooler hair (10 years ago)
>armor ripped straight from warhammer
The armor looks cool at least, but it's only because it's a shameless rip off. Bravo blizz.

Witch Doctor would probably be considered offensive in today's climate. He's literally an ooga-booga tribal black man stereotype that uses vodoo magic

HoTS made me appreciate the WD more.
Nothing like getting top damage by throwing frogs, spiders and giant zombies at people.

There a male version?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you get to choose your race/gender in D4? That would solve the "I don't want to play as a _____" problem.