Why doesn't he just step on you?

Why doesn't he just step on you?

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use the right picture please

Attached: towerchad.jpg (1280x720, 192.46K)

His feet are very sensitive. Did you even play the game?

>leaks from his feet when hit
>falls over like the Tinman leaving his head vulnerable

His biggest advantage is his biggest disadvantage. He is literally a towering mass waiting to collapse.

>Sharp and standing out from background
>Muddy and fuzzy, blends with background
Holy S O V L ess

Are you blind? OP pic clearly has a better read from the thumbnail. Compared to that, has unclear shapes. The only thing I can tell apart is the highlight on the shield, and even that manages to blend with the fucking sky because of its color. Then they add all that bloom and piss filter.

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fuck off bluepoint

Open your eyes, retard.


>remake takes away the iconic chanting and horns

>bad graphics good

Attached: subhumanindiefaggot.png (219x359, 2.51K)

Because my speed is superior

good art direction and character design good
bad art direction and character design bad
know the difference zoomie

>poopoint's outsourced WoW graphics made by pajeets and gooks

cute knights.
dark souls right?
what's their name?

He does though. He has a stomp attack, and any time his foot hits you when its off the ground like when he leaps backwards, it damages you.

I still need the name you guys...

pretty meh thread to begin with but it still cant be helped to devolve into shit flinging about the remake anyways. who fucking cares you absolute mongs

DeS, Tower Knight

The art direction in the new Demon Souls is good, I don't know why \v\ complains so much about it: the original was very muddy, the remake makes each area feel distinct.

\v\ is full of cynical contrarians who like to pretend they are smarter than everyone else; if the new Demon Souls had the same art direction they would bitch about the remake not being different enough to justify it's existence.

>DeS, Tower Knight
thanks. kinda cute.
needed more art though.

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>his smile and optimism gone


Attached: 1652002283922.jpg (400x400, 28.41K)

Good art direction trumps graphics.