Everyone said Oblivion had better quests and quest lines but it’s wrong

Everyone said Oblivion had better quests and quest lines but it’s wrong.

Skyrim has the best quests and quest lines vs Oblivion and Morrowind. Dawnguard and the thieves guild shits on everything in Oblivion

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all elder scrolls games are shit
all elder scrolls fanbases are shit
you are shit
and so is everyone like you

Ya gotta be a special kind of mentally ill faggot to like Skyrim.

Eh, it depends on what kind of quests. Skyrim has some fun Daedric questlines, but Oblivion has the best Guild questlines.
Morrowind is the best one overall for roleplaying, though.

What is wrong with you, go to the doctor asap

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I found Skyrims Thieve Guild and DB written better and more enjoying than the Ovlivion counterparts. Also Dawnguard is the best questline Bethesda has ever made

Dawnguard, lol, everyone hates that shit and for good reason, story is shit and doesn't make sense so it just railroads the player into not being allowed to affect any of it, that's not even mentioning how much of it is just reused assets and the thieves guild is inferior to the Oblivion theist's guild.
If you wanted a better dlc you could have at least posted Dragonborn, but you double space so of course your opinion has to be shit.

oblivion dark brotherhood was kino, skyrim dark brotherhood is cringe

I agree, I had more fun with Skyrim's quests than Oblivions. I did like the Painted World in Oblivion even though the painted trolls were much stronger than me and had to cheese through it.

Your bait is so fucking obvious. Even if this is your opinion, you posted it this way to stir up replies.

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The Thieves Guild in Skyrim is awful, you barely do any actual thieving.

the first mission is literally stealing from a mansion

I haven't played oblivion yet, but are unique weapons useless in it?

It’s not a cringe Robin Hood story, you’re in a mafia group. The Meadery mission with the lunatic in the basement was kino. So was the Dwemer museum

In vanilla, yes. The problem with oblivion is the gameplay is extremely unbalanced because Bethesda had even less knowledge on how to set up the leveling scale. Game is cheesy, but the environment and music still live up to the nostalgia.

Either use mods to fix the shitty leveling system or lower the difficulty slider as you progress through your playthrough.

i'm just gonna say it
yhe concept of a thieves guild is dumb
if u wanna steal just do it and don't tell anyone and get money off of it, end of the story

It's not called The Mafia Guild, you drooling retard

Can we all agree that the School of Winterhold is the worst guild questline?

All Elder Scrolls games are great. Even Redguard. I'd go as far as to say Redguard gas the best ost theme and the most lore-accurate intro and worldspace of all the titles, save for Battlespire which technically is the most lore accurate.

>Can we all agree that
shut the fuck up redditor im gonna disagree with u just to be annoying now what huh?

Give me a kiss, baby.

>hey boss man, I'm back with this vampire and her elder scroll. What should we do with her now?
>you should bring her home to her vampire friends

that is impressive, how did you pick out the wrongest opinions possible?

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