Why did we never get a good Matt vs. Jeff feud?

>good story, good chemistry, good contrast of styles
>it's flopped every single time except as a surreal comedy angle

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They’re not very good in the ring individually and are perennial mid carders without exceptional mic skills. There was some potential with Matt’s turn but this rivalry really needed color and if Jeff bladed heavy in angle or match it would’ve really gotten over

I'll tell you this though, that chair Twist of Fate was dimes.

This was the first WM I watched, this match and Taker vs. HBK were what sold me on it, thanks Hardy Boys

Because Matt is a shit wrestler in singles and an average at best tag partner. His singles matches are snorefests and the most memorable part of any tag run outside of with Jeff was him tumbling over the top rope during his entrance.
As for why a Matt and Jeff feud never worked out even when they were in the same company and the same show they were always pushed to be a tag team since Jeff is a timebomb and they didn't know when he would take a bunch of pills and moonshine and go off the rails so the company wanted to get their money's worth while they could

It’s quite simple: no one wants to see them fight.

Neither of them are particularly good on the mic.
They're both spot monkeys, obviously one moreso than the other.
They work well together but they're antidimes as a feud, simple as.

That's basically it.

they're both gimmick match shitters just like Edge. Christian is the only good singles wrestler out of them

this should have been better than taker vs shawn

Maybe if you’d never seen Taker and Shawn wrestle before


two dimeless shitters

I remember smarks creaming themselves when they started the feud and coming up with excuses when they failed to deliver. Midd Cardy can work good comedy gimmicks but whenever he tries to be serious it becomes a snorefest

TNA 2016 was THE great Matt and Jeff Feud.

Has Jeff ever bladed? I can’t think of a single time I’ve ever seen Jeff with blood on his face


I liked that feud

this match here should've been better. the storyline was pretty decent, one brother is jealous of the other, simple. some goofy shit but otherwise, not the worst. but my gosh, how can the match be that bad? literally just have jeff do anything to kill his brother while the other plays it more smart. what a shit mania that had one match (taker vs HBK) save the entire show.

their WM was good

Because Matt Hardy is fucking terrible and always has been