Are we witnessing the end of Sony?

Are we witnessing the end of Sony?

>PC ports
>10 live service games in development
>Japan Studio killed off
>Only JP games are moneyhat Square schlock

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End of exclusives maybe. Exclusives had a place and a reason to exist in decades past but for the previous console generation and for this one especially they're effectively nonsensical. Xbox and PS sell at a loss or for razor thin margins at best while the money is made on subscriptions and software, but why not sell subscriptions and software on PC as well, where you don't need to take a loss on the hardware in the first place?

>Muh exclusivs
What kind of animals?

lmaoing at snoyniggers buckbroken by sony marketing

What the fuck is this mentality?

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the amount of people who refuse to buy a console because the exclusives are on pc is very small. it's not that big of a deal, xbox went 100% pc ports years ago and it didn't do shit.

Bloodborne still stuck at 30fps, no PC port, no next gen version, and yes it's probably because sony killed Japan studio.
Brand loyalty.

It's bedtime, Xbox tranny.

Sony must be getting bodied by MS more than we're led to believe for them to pivot from their anti-PC stance so quickly

the sad truth is (I mean sad for vidya, sony and snoys don't give a fuck) is that sony's first party have never been more successful than now, when they churn out these mindless ubisoft open worlds and cinematic emotional experiences or whatever the fuck naughty dog and santa monica are doing

compare sales between the ape escape, parappa, ico, siren etc era and today with fucking horizon, tlou, ghost of tsushima, there's simply no match, current sony is much more successful

>it's not that big of a deal, xbox went 100% pc ports years ago and it didn't do shit.
Because Cuckbox was already a failure

Get out of your bubble, the majority of people buying consoles would not switch to pc if all of their consoles exclusives were ported to pc.

>If it comes to PC I won't just adopt the platform with literally every single game, lest I get ripped off because-

They already are.

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>If I get more options I will stop playing video games
Tell me you have brain damage without telling me you have brain damage

How many though? I doubt it's significant enough to cause trouble for sony.

I think you should read this

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But Team Asobi is already better than Japan Studio ever was

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This is all bullshit, look at all the low effort indie trash that’s on the ps5 already. If the developer can’t release a game on par with The Jumping Taco then they’re too retarded to make games to begin with

I doubt Sony is going anywhere, but this entire console generation has been lame and stagnate. Somehow worse than the last one.

Holy shit if Japan is so superior then how the hell did this get released, there’s a game called the jumping taco I thought it was fucking fake

what the fuck is that forum

normalfag mentality

Yeah that's basically what it boils down to, isn't it? I could maybe understand console loyalty 20 years ago when exclusives were important, but nowadays it's just poor people who have no idea how to make their own computer. This kind of brand loyalty mentality is a truly terrible thing.

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I don't care, I just want bloodborne on PC.

You are seriously delusional.
Everyone has a PC. It's standard. Why the fuck would they buy a console if the console doesn't give them anything their PC can already do? For as long as consoles have existed the reason was simple: they have games that literally do not exist on PC or other consoles. Now Sony and Microsoft have given that model up but they replaced it with nothing. So now there is simply no reason to have a console. Nintendo still understands this, and that's why Switch is the only current gen console that sells.

The PlayStation 4 has been out for 8 years

I will not buy a console just for a single game, and even less when that console is releasing its games on pc

How deluded one must be to not even play games that aren't exclusive anymore?