Genshin Impact

What makes it so successful?

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All the people paying absurd amounts of money in it.

Not sure, i tried a few times but i found the grind boring but still needed more attention than other grinding where i can split focus on youtube videos or something so dropped it.

Never underestimate how retarded coomers can be.

Mhhhh... Ganyu is big...

also this is clearly /vg/ raider's attempt at making a general thread on Any Forums (I mean every thread have the same name) and jannies should definitely remove this off topic shit
everyone below is a tranny

Creating characters that make me want to breed.

>rips off 99 metacritic score game
>selling waifus to virgin beta weebs

China stronk

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you and me gets the anti-tranny pass and is immune to the tranny curse
fuck chinks who can't read the board name

1. Free
2. Uses both familiar cultures that are common in gaming (Medieval Europe, Feudal Japan) and less common ones (Ancient China, mish-mash of various middle-eastern cultures). Note that the release alternate between a familiar setting and a less common one; after Sumeru we are going back to Europe, but after that we will go to indigenous America.
3. Open world which lets you explore and get lost in said regions
4. Vast amount of characters that try to appeal to everyone instead of a specific demographic
5. Game is rather easy and simple to play so casual-friendly

why are big ladies so perfect?

>Genshim Impact
>What makes it so succe-

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here's your anti-tranny pass sir

>nintranny still seething that his absolute garbage failed and is completely forgotten
Yep, all those paid shittendo reviews were for nothing. Get ready to seethe for the next 5 years.

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The cardboard is just small.

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you well know half of boys and girls would fuck her

>another genshin general thread
>numerous new ips
just go to instead of shitting up the board you consooming zoomers

A lot of girls play this game. Western devs pander to "women" with cringe woke agenda but never actually successed in it.

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>tranny weeb seething over facts

Chyna anime numba won now!
Me fapping to fake pixel tits wogain!

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it's free
it's high quality
it's fun

there's a reason you only see Any Forumstrannies (a vocal minority) seethe at it here

>muh consumers
You say the exact same thing in the threads about unpopular games, stupid nigger. Also only zoomers hate genshin, genshin is a boomer game.

they wont
it is their life goal to be the most hated fanbases on earth

That you shitty game is absolutely mogged by genshin? Lmao. You are the one who can't stand the truth.

Being hated by Any Forums racists is a badge of honor.

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>genshit cringepact

ask daddy chinkoyo why they arent giving melanin to those sand bitches
>m-muh pol

>not a new IP
lol are you going to samefag seethe until bump limit or something

Why are you talking like an absolutely unintelligent human being of objectively little worth? I doubt Mihoyo's CEOs would bad-mouth Nintendo and their games; they keep mentioning them in their surveys along with Nier Automata. Show some respect.

>not a new IP
lol are you gonna shill your shitty slot machine and seethe at every single criticism of your shitty game until bump limit

yes, keep seething incel lol

Fuck of faggot. Die

her ass is literally above the pole. Going by the standard size of those things she's 6ft at the least.

Nice joke.

Women play it, which brings in guys that want to play it to talk to the girls.

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>yes, keep seething incel lol

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>Implying BotW isn't overwhelmingly played by bing-bing-wahoo soicucks

There was always a demand for anime games, but they were all locked by shitty jrpg mechanics.

Fantastic game, constant dumps of new content to enjoy, and it's as free or as expensive as you, the player, want it to be. It deserves all of its success.

This questline was fucking amazing.

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If you didn't realize, a lot of threads in this board are generals in all but OP format. Go cry to the mods about it.

It's good enough & accessible. That's all it takes.

>this butthurt
Why not show some respect to Nintendo like your chink master? lol

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>boomer game
>have faggots in it
>tumblr coloured and tranime spammed
kys, genshin players are called consoomers because of faggots like you who spent thousands on this chink spyware and your zoomer ass should learn how to read so next time you can actually post a genshit general thread on or even better , for once instead shitting a board that discusses actual games

>another delusional nintranny
Get fucked, underage zoomer.

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