What's the point of a live service video game if it's too late to join after the game after the first year...

What's the point of a live service video game if it's too late to join after the game after the first year? The endgame was a mistake and reason why MMOs died.

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it's all about perspective
people let themselves be socially pressured into activities they find unfulfilling, the only difference between the player on the left and the player on the right is that right has let himself be memed into doing something not fun just to gratify strangers on the internet (hardcore raiding/PvP is the only reason you'd autismmax that hard and still be mad about it)

What has happened that things are what they are now?
08-09 were nice years.

>modern mmotard
>socially pressuredt
Kek, modern mmotard is autistic and absolutely loves the state of modern mmo, his only problem is that people don't respect him for playing mmo. The only ones who were memed into doing something not fun are the developers who listened to the loudest minority of hardcore virgin nolifers.

Wow and endgame.

fuck off underage

>having innocent morally not bad fun is bad
You're jaded.

Video games went mainstream and then GamerGate happened and the video games have literally not been the same since

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games used to be something that was designed to be played through in ~40h.
Then people got crazy addicted to them. I cannot understand how someone can get addicted to Diablo 2 to the point of playing that game for 10+ years but it happened.
Now people like Asmongold exist whose job and life it is to spend as much time as possibly in a videogame. They need a videogame to take as much time as possible because it's content for them and they need 8h of content every day all day.

Considering that all those groups and orgs appeared to exist in the US in the previous century at least in 80s, and other things like hippies, it stands to reason that all this was in the works for awhile.
Rather ruthless.

And the problem with this is that 90% of the content is useless, cut it out and the game loses nothing.

I really hate meme images like this. You were a stupid kid in 2008. You keyboard turned and clicked abilities. People were tryharding WoW since the game came out trying to break the game to cheat. You just didn't notice because you were a fucking idiot kid who played an hour a day after school when your mom let you and only on weekends. I bet whoever made this meme image is not even 30 years old yet.

It's hilarious that PA made these comics precisely in 2008.
>b-bhuth much nostalgia
Fuck off.

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What changed is that thanks to youtubers and streamers the elitist way of view is now more common and accepted because the elitists are the ones people get their info from. Back in FFXI the elitism acted as a filter that kept the elitists to themselves for the most part. If you were leveling White Mage, Paladin, or Dragoon then you weren't getting into a group unless it was full of other rejects. But those rejects didn't care about the meta so they had a great time together, meanwhile the elitists were running groups with Red Mage main healers and Ninja main tanks, and the bards that were wanted in every group ended up in those elitist groups instead because they leveled much faster which meant that the reject groups often couldn't get a bard at all.

The pace of leveling in MMOs in general acted as a filter to keep casuals closer together while hardcore players blazed past them, you weren't aware that it was optimal to do X with Y because you played the game and had fun and weren't rushing to end game. But in current MMOs if you aren't rushing to end game you're "missing out" because devs don't make cool leveling experiences like they used to that can last for multiple months, now you can get to level cap in few days of casual play when an expansion drops and there's so much time gated shit added that you feel compelled to so you don't miss out.

They went from being the equivalent of long ass rpgs with real people as your party members where the journey is important to being diablo with raids where you mostly play solo and the game doesn't start until you can farm for upgrades in the highest difficulty. Modern MMOs are just another form of a game where you grind loot, except after the honeymoon period all the loot is timegated so it fucking sucks.

And yet something indeed has changed, more than back then.

the same people who shit on runescape blaming "efficiency" for ruining the game. I'm glad I actually learned how to play the game and did shit with purpose, pretty sure I quit many times as a kid because I was a fucking ape thinking 99 strength training at monastery monks was viable.

If it's not fun to play effectively, it's a bad game. The problem with meta is not that it is effective, but that it is boring, the developer should punish builds based on one spell/skill.

Information is more visible now, what was once hidden in the depths of the internet is now immediately datamined and the information is copied across multiple different sites. Finding the perfect strategies aren't so esoteric any more which has vastly increased the number of metafags who now dictate how the game should be played

There has never been an MMO where you couldnt catch up with time as long as you played with the right people.
It was even easier in old games that didnt use soulbind kind of mechanics on gear.
Some hand-me-downs from a top players would put you at 90% of their powerlevel.

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The point is that you have to spend your whole life in their game and their game only since day one

>If it's not fun to play effectively, it's a bad game.
all games are bad.

as with all games Any Forums takes the most casual baby stance.

Also the pace of leveling also dictated the group of players you were were with in something like WoW because raid tiers didn't become obsolete as soon as the newest one was out. If all the tryhard fucks were in BWL you still needed to find a guild to go through MC or ZG with and the guilds recruiting for starter raids were going to be people that just hit max level themselves.

This is why I like XIV, it respects your time.

Uhh.. where are you going with this?

>Any Forums back in 2009
>would call you a scrub if you said WoW has too much grind, Any Forums used to say ''it keeps out the shitters''
>Shits on GTAV For being to grindy and even defends using hacks / exploits to get around this
I dont this board.

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Because you can't pvp in gtav


>Any Forums back in 2009
>would call you a scrub if you said WoW has too much grind, Any Forums used to say ''it keeps out the shitters''
This didn't actualy happen. At least in 2007-2009, wow discussion on Any Forums was relatively rare and people making threads about wow were told to fuck off.

whats there to get? this board is hypercasual and unironically shills abomination anti-mmos like FF14.

Then why does Any Forums hate modern WoW

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WoW is unironically way too hard for this board.

>wow discussion on Any Forums was relatively rare and people making threads about wow were told to fuck off.