Anybody love Dishonored 1 but not care for Dishonored 2?

Anybody love Dishonored 1 but not care for Dishonored 2?
Dishonored 1 is great, especially the Daud DLC, but Dishonored 2 feels bland in comparison. It doesn't have the atmosphere or interesting characters that 1 had.

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The level design in 2 is a huge downgrade in. Dishonored is just about an immersive sim, and that genre lives and dies on its level design. They also decided to throw out the setting in favor of a boring tropical city that clearly wasn't as well thought out as Dunwall, and tried to make up for it by having minor points to explore in the boring ass hub. The Clockwork Mansion is actually pretty genuinely great, and I wish every level in the game was like that.

you think I should keep going? I just played 30 minutes of Dishonored 2 after marathoning 1 last week. 1 was amazing, 2 I got bored really fast and turned it off. also stealth feels uncomfortable. The crouch delay is awful.
Does it get better? I don't remember anything, I only played it once when it came out years ago on ps4. I'm playing it on pc now.

I would say get to Clockwork Mansion and see if you want to keep going after that, but know that that level is the high point of the game and it's the fifth mission or something. I definitely wouldn't blame you for dropping it. It's a downgrade in almost every way

I'm playing it through for the first time now. I've gone for a no powers run, and I'm having fun. Well, was. Jindosh's mansion is a fucking pain with no powers.

eh I tried again and I give up. It just feels so bad compared to D1. Feels like a drag. Sad, I really loved D1.
Maybe I'll try the Styx games, or play some Thief.

It has a woman in it, of course I don't care.

death of the outsider is even worse.
It seems like dishonored 1 and dlcs were made by one studio and dishonored 2 with all the sequels tried its best to shit on the previous game.

>love Dishonored 1 but not care for Dishonored 2
More like I don't care for either but Dishonored 1 was decent while I couldn't be bothered to finish 2.

Have you tried Arkane's other game, Prey? Is that worth playing?

both are zoomercore shit

I didn't like Prey at all. Arx Fatalis is pretty cool though.

Arx Fatalis and Dark Messiah were based.
Prey I never tried but it looks like a System Shock 2 ripoff

It's System Shock but boring.

I really enjoy dishonored 1 but my real issues with dishonored 2 is it's just not as polished
it feels like a lazy sequel but at the same time I can't say no to more dishonored

my only real issue is how they never included a level editor
while the choices dishonored 1 gives you are great it feels like it's way too short for it's own good

Dishonored 1 with no blink (or no magic in general) + non-lethal takes quite a while on max difficulty.
you can cheese through Dishonored 1 really fast with blink abuse.
I play it more like Metal Gear. I sneak around and use lots of sleep darts.
it is fun to do stuff like this, though

Both feel like they wanted to be the new Thief but didn't have the atmosphere and writing to reach it. Also, they inexplicably made all your upgrades make it easier to kill people in a stealth game.

2 was an improvement in every way except the story. Even the boat hub is better, the pub in 1 was such a fucking waste of time it makes me sick seeing it on replays.

controversial take. I didn't care for the boat or Billie at all.
by the end of Dishonored 2 I couldn't even be finished to reach the finale. I was so bored.
Dishonored 1 however was kino

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This section made me sad because there was nothing else like it in the game it was a one of a type level
there's almost no levels set during the night

When this game went on sale last month the metacritic reviews were flooded with fake accounts all giving it 10s on every platform.
also whoever they had writing the fake reviews didn't even bother to change up his typing and used crappy translations when making posts in other languages.
like 6 years later and they're still trying to milk this cash grab. The first one was good though

Bethesda shills try their hardest to sell you games you don't want even though most of them were good upto a point until recently

Actually the most stupid thing I've read here.