Outer Worlds

Is this game worth 20 bux (and the dlc for 10) or should I just pass it up. It's an Obsidian RPG right?

Attached: The_Outer_Worlds_cover_art.png (270x321, 198.7K)

Best to watch gameplay and decide for yourself. It's not a hidden gem, just another unpolished stone lost in the pile, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's bad either

Sounds fair enough. Did you play it and end up feeling sort of 'lukewarm' on it?

It's probably their worst rpg, more of an ad reminding you they exist that you have to buy. I'd sooner recommend Alpha Protocol which was at least trying to do something.

it lack luster, you will quickly be bored of it.

The companions, quests, weapons/combat and worldbuilding are all incredibly forgettable.
You're better off playing something else, if you need recommendations give me a genre you're looking for and some games you've already played and liked

Echoing everyone's sentiment, yes, it is quite boring. The gameplay doesn't evolve much and ends up being fetch quests. Combat also is very lackluster.

Hmm, thanks for the input everyone. I remember some mild hype before it came out, but I never recalled general opinion of the game.

Thank you, but I was more just perusing sale titles on PSN and saw that it was on sale. Though I could go for an WRPG that isn't Skyrim lol.

Unfortunately it really was bland. I played through the whole game it's just like said. The story doesn't really grab you and the choices are pretty pointless. Now they are literally making a sequel which I'm not sure how to feel about..

It's an okay game. It's not even bad, just forgettable. Combat wasn't interesting, choices didn't really matter throughout, companions were alright or a complete snore. I beat the game once and was going to do a second playthrough of it a few months ago, but I honestly don't remember much of the game at all.

The story is literally: What do they eat?

it's post ironic obsidian rpg, game would be a classic if it wasn't written by "le funny" milenials women
space feels are nearing zero, if it felt like a space game I would be able to forgive it, but it doesn't

quite mediocre

>it's post ironic obsidian rpg, game would be a classic if it wasn't written by "le funny" milenials women
>space feels are nearing zero, if it felt like a space game I would be able to forgive it, but it doesn't

Attached: grid-00052-2092951595_it's_post_ironic_obsidian_rpg,_game_would_be_a_classic_if_it_wasn't_written_by_le_funny_milenials_women_space_feels_are_nearing_.jpg (1792x1024, 525.65K)

what am I looking at?

good question

It is.

ah, I get it, why is this thing thinking RPG= top down camera?

20 bucks? yeah it's worth that much. IT was "eh" when it came out, but it's fine for 20 bucks. It should give you maybe 10-15 hours of entertainment and not too bad. Better than seeing a movie. That's good enough.

it is a game where the focus is dialogue and NONE of the characters have anything interesting to say

Imagine just screenshotting that guy's message and sending it to an artist and say "draw this"
refuse to elaborate further
and leave

you would drop that movie half way through
it's like watching censored and redacted Spaceballs that tries to be serious but at the same time funny and paradoxical
game direction is shit, gameplay isn't even that bad but the world is damn dead in it

It's dogshit

The story tone and freedom were cool, but the visual aesthetics and general personalities made me want to vomit. Couldn't force myself to finish it.

he would just give you pillars of eternity 2 and outer worlds screenshots

while i was unemployed in late 2019 i beat the game in 2 sittings it was alright at best not obsidian's best work but 20 bucks is worth it you will get you'e moneys worth