Will you?

will you?

Attached: 101.jpg (1489x2084, 1.01M)

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No, I don't like Sims.

I've been playing it for years tho

Sims 3 is better

how is the modding scene with a seven seas version of the game? are updates a pain in the ass?


TS4 should have been TS3 but actually runs well and with the better art style. Instead it's mobage actual-tranny garbage with absolutely schizophrenic direction and a whole ton of pointless shit no one's ever cared about.

Tried it. It's shit. Stop shilling.

Why is there a war between Sims 3 fags and Sims 4 fags?

>war between Sims fanbases
>Sims 4 fags existing
>you sucking a million dicks
Only 1 of these things is true

no, it's actually easy

Attached: 79.jpg (3840x2160, 1.97M)

I spent a grand total of zero dollars on Sims 4 and it still was not worth it.

Sims 3 fags are mad at Sims 4 fag's shit taste.
Sims 4 fags are mad at their own shit taste and inability to extricate themselves from New Thing That Everyone Else is Playing™ so they lash out.
Sims 3 being an effort to get to run and look good just muddies the waters.

Sure. Give me a download link; I'm not giving EA a cent or installing Oirigin.

Given the chance, I'd drive the flat end of a ball peen hammer straight through your pedo skull and watch you die.

>Given the chance, I'd drive the flat end of a ball peen hammer straight through your pedo skull and watch you die.

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haha he said peen

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nothing wrong with being a pedo

Nibholes on peenwatch.

42, banging a 16yo because I pay for her iPhone. Legal in my state. Come on with your hammer.


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How many of these are there?

It's just a matter of preference.
But under no circumstances should anyone buy 4

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Bene, grazie. Does this include that weird-ass werewolf thing they put out awhile ago?


yep, it is.

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Mint. Thanks a bunch.

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>game and all dlc is half off
>still nearly 500 bucks for all of it
jesus christ


gimme a mod pack and i will


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It's not a real site, idiot.

Can I trust this website?

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