Director and Creator of Yakuza made Sayama, pic-related...

>Director and Creator of Yakuza made Sayama, pic-related, and devoted chunks of Y2’s story to her character and her relationship with Kiryu
>next director takes control of the Yakuza series
>immediately kicks Sayama out of the series on the beginning of Yakuza 3 because he thinks Kiryu should be a bachelor

What bullshit writing is this. I don’t even care about her that much, but nothing irritates me more than immediately discarding heavily-devoted development that players were already invested in.

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Yakuza plots are B Action movies tier. And if Kiryu married her the whole hostess thing would feel kinda wrong

>Kiryu goes to Hostess bars
He's canon Asexual, Sayama marrying him would've been an upgrade for him and Haruka.

>he's asexual
Stop this meme

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You know she would of just fucking died anyway.

Old men with young women is fucking cringe anyways. There relationship sucked ass just like
everything in part 2's story that wasn't Ryuji

Honestly, all of these games have awful writing.
I played 0-3 and they're all nonsensical bullshit with twists just for the sake of twists.

kiryu having a gf would only work if she was a playable character who's just as awesome at fighting as he is, otherwise she would just be an eternal damsel in distress.

Kiryu's connections with the Yakuza would never let him have a relationship (until Y7 where most of the organizations disbanded), these games aren't brilliantly written but that's kinda obvious.

It's a video game user. If you want to get invested in a plot, go watch TV or read a book.

>moves to america and dates a white cop
umm based???

Just because you don't like knowing it's canon doesn't make it less true, user.

>>immediately kicks Sayama out of the series on the beginning of Yakuza 3 because he thinks Kiryu should be a bachelor
Based. Writers shouldn't keep characters around if their role in the story is over. Sayama would have contributed nothing, and her sticking around could have been potentially annoying depending on how much it would have restricted Kiryu's freedom (not just in the romantic sense).

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He’s not asexual. He masturbates to Anri Okita. He’s just like me!

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>Old men with young women is fucking cringe anyways.
It's reality. Older men typically have a lot more resources.
That's a females chief concern, no matter what she says.
Men don't want older, close to infertile women who have had miles of dick pass through them.

Agreed. Nothing is usually worse than sequels that throw away developed and established things from the previous direct installments.

Yakuza 1 and 2 are action movies, 3 and 4 felt more like crime dramas and 5 onwards they just became a mix of whatever

>Yakuza 1 and 2 are action movies
TV soap operas complete with retarded TWEESTS
The scenario writer for both 1 and 2 was a TV writer.

Even worse they send her to America where she gets cock-notized by the white men and never returns back to japan.

I’m a 29 year old woman and have never seen nor touched a real penis in my life, but the reason men don’t care for any woman about 21 is because all men are inherent pedos and enjoy grooming them, like Leonardo Di Caprio and all the other males like him. I see no one holding men accountable for burying their dicks in everything they see.


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Yakuza has terrible writing.
Any interesting development gets thrown out of the window.
>You know the total badass killing 20 people in a restaurant?
>No lol it's just rubber bullets
>You know the guy that sacrificed himself so his prison buddy could flee?
>He actually survived lol
>You know the guy that who was like a father to the MC?
>He actually has a secret twin that works for the CIA and wants to destroy the MC's orphanage so he can catch an illegal underground arms dealer
Who writes this shit. Yakuza 0 has a good story. Yakuza 1 has a cheesy B-Movie story that's enjoyable. Everything after that is pure trash. Nothing that happens has any real consequences and they constantly pull stuff out of their own ass.
Haven't played judgement or Yakuza 7 though, maybe starting from scratch and ditching Kiryu allowed them to write a good story