What te hell with that fucking legs Capcom?!

What te hell with that fucking legs Capcom?!
That's some fucking elephantiasis right there.

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Dumbass ESL

If one train hard enough could one actually fight like the characters in game?

Attached: bulkgf3.webm (561x900, 2.24M)


From head to waist=Fit.
From waist to feet=Fat.

Tha's fucking lard injected on her butt to fit the actual *sexy* body standards.

cool thread full of gay guys roleplaying as straight guys

Those are the legs of a beautiful fit woman you fucking philistine.

Attached: greece.jpg (362x376, 21.28K)

still unhealthy. shitty ass fat lower body that she still thinks is sexy due to jewish brainwashing.

Attached: 87350323_810549606108215_257385157381660989_n.jpg (1440x1605, 222.08K)

Care to elaborate?

yes, its da joos fault that ur gay

>Palestine out of nowhere and misspelled

Attached: exasperated orange.jpg (399x361, 94.88K)

>inb4 edited screenshot
We all can fake it

Attached: 1636855681760.png (805x451, 99.88K)

>edited screenshot
You don't even have to do that, you fucking weird schizo.

Attached: mark as your post.webm (704x322, 254.71K)

American education

Everytime i see Cammy in SFV i get irrationally horny

I'm in love bros she's perfect

post body

No I'll post my score

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Ill miss the thick fit models from V
The ladies in VI look muscular but lack the same meatiness so they're inferior
The end of an era

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Acting like jealous roasties doesn't make you women.

we had it good in V
SF6 just looks worse in every possible way its infuriating.