You will live in a pod

You will live in a pod

Attached: Screenshot 2022-09-02 221953.png (612x585, 327.3K)

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is the mouthpiece for sucking dick?

But at the same time youll defend this, make up your mind. Do you want to live in the pod or do you want to pretend that you dont want more.

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If that air unit actually works properly, that demolishes open offices. Of fucking course it would come equipped with cameras and audio devices for bosses to spy.

i'll temporarily love in a pod if it costs $100 o month so i can save money to actually own property

>Lots of free space to do with as you wish
>Forced to live in a coffin
Anybody who cannot see the difference is living proof of limited soul theory

It's so you can scream nigger without anyone noticing.

you'll fit right in

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A pod sounds comfy to me. When I was a kid, I used to build pillow forts all the time or tents out of blankets to stay in.

my first apartment looked like that. you know why? I was fucking BROKE. now my house is furnished. stop playing games you bitch.

>Giving a fuck how big an enclosure you’re in and you’re seated with a VR headset on
Super big boy giga-think right there.

>tfw was about to make a mutalk thread myself
Should I get it bros?

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Using VR seated is dildoes. You need a decent amount of room to move around.

i guess opposite
it will physically block you from say the banned words

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Even the biggest podfags couldn't handle using VR for more than a few hours a day. You would want to kill yourself living in a purgatory of "live in a virtual world that gives me a headache" or "witness the reality of my 4x4 suicide cube"

you need way way more space than that to do vr

god i love living in somewhere that isn't cramped

so I guess your chair is also your toilet

this but seriously
this isnt smell-o-vision, its not covering the nose
it cant be a fucking microphone

so what is it

It's a microphone. It's purpose is to make it so your voice is completely muffled by the device. If you're living alone it's worthless but I guess if you're a rentnigger like me who gets in trouble for shouting on the mic it could work.

it lets you be an obnoxious faggot in vr without people hearing you irl

kinda upgrade from piss bottles

That's a top tier place in my country. 80% of people wouldn't be able to afford that

Yes, I'm talking Europe

now it comes with snow inside it

piss bottles are portable hydration

So they expect people to have the VR goggles, the cuck muzzle, headphones, and two wagglers while you're playing? No wonder VR is an absolute worthless joke

I've never used VR so I dunno about that. I was only interested for the sound dampening feature cause I do yell pretty loud sometimes.

Attached: vr.jpg (600x600, 44.79K)

don't forget your Handy, haptics suit and sex doll for a full experience

Now you look like one of those worst cosplays

You mean apartments/trailers/Campers/RV's? Some people already do.

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>I have no mouth and I must goon