How come Genshin Impact become the most popular gacha game ever and the fastest grossing one?

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It's free to play.

Like all the other games that kids spent all their parents' money on.

Why are ESL chimps obsessed with spamming Gensneed threads here?

Because poorfags and retards
>inb4 OP pic is a female
lmao no

Is actual game, and good game.


>being EOP

There will only be small males and giant females in our species by the end of the decade

everything in its proper place

For a gacha game, it actually has good gameplay. Most gacha games have extremely simple level designs if any while gacha has a huge open world. Genshin feels less like a typical gacha game and more like a traditional big budget open world game with gacha mechanics tacked on.


Attached: b106e02d33f0455f5b2362b56855d8cb.jpg (4000x6000, 2.15M)

late stage capitalism

>Hire popular voice actors in America and Japan
>Mass market the game on every gaming website
>Well known steamers are openly spending thousands on rolls, in the first couple weeks of the game

>everything that's popular is only popular becasue of marketing and nothing else

zoom zoom zoom

Attached: 1661889033522356.webm (720x1280, 2.94M)

she's not into it, it kills it.

There's a power to being the residents of a country where you don't need to learn a second language to survive. The United States only has Mexico to thank for Spanish being a second language, and Canada only has Quebec for French being a second language. Whereas, the rest of the world needs to learn either English or Chinese to be remotely relevant (i.e. Mexican artist learns English so she can be commissioned by wealthy Americans).

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It’s a really good game

>big budget open world game
It's still a mobile game, so everything open world has to be simplified. All of the enemies follow simplistic scripts; you're not going to be camping out in the wilderness and worry about a Hilichurl stumbling into your camp. It would be nice if the investment into mobile phone technology improves things so they can have a truly immersive open world; the reason Genshin Impact exists in the first place was Gran Blue Fantasy making their company enough money so they could invest in improving things so phones can hold more than just compressed jpg images.

Attached: download (7).jpg (649x565, 131.81K)

How is this gonna sell pizza

>willingly downloading chinese spyware
Do chuffs really?

>It's still a mobile game, so everything open world has to be simplified. All of the enemies follow simplistic scripts; you're not going to be camping out in the wilderness and worry about a Hilichurl stumbling into your camp.

...because that happens in any other game? other than bethesda games

you're right, it's not a bethesda game. it's not a "simplified" tier game at all though

>It would be nice if the investment into mobile phone technology improves things so they can have a truly immersive open world;

0 games have ever provided a truly immersive open world, you're just trying to shit on genshin impact from a different angle than usual

Do cosplayers really?

She spits in your food

Because it actually has gameplay, which is more than you can say for any other gacha "game"

>amber or eula's spit in my food

brb selling everything i own on the street for insane markdowns

low iq coomers is the problem

That's a nice cope for being lazy or dumb.