Game lets you make out with your daughter+wife

>Game lets you make out with your daughter+wife

Attached: cold steel altina chu.jpg (438x380, 55.99K)

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Your daughter can't be your wife. It's not possible.


Attached: daughterwife.jpg (3600x2658, 3.81M)

Altina deserves to be happy with Rean. She's the only one who had a deep connection with him beyond basic datesim bullshit.
Also Altina never really fell into the adopted daughter category like Renne or KeA did. She's more of a student/little sister. And you know how Japan handles little sisters.

Attached: altina7.jpg (1169x828, 884.87K)

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the series you posted is an exception since Latina groomed her father-husband

reverse grooming? new tag?

Wtf thank god i didnt start reading this yet

If Altina isn't in Kuro 2 I'm not playing it.

What kind of a person makes out with their own daughter...

Attached: Fritzl.jpg (280x390, 21.88K)

>pumps him up with so much demonic power he becomes the strongest non-god entity in the setting
>gets afraid he will kill her from too much fucking

please buy zero
the series will die in the west without your purchase

if they didn't want it to die they should have named it Trails of Cold Steel Zero

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After yesterday? fuck no

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just give me ys X already. fuck the kiseki series.

What happened yesterday?

I'm a Switchguy and I'm vaguely interested in the series, but I don't even know where to start with these games.

Rean making out with all the girls.

I hope he fucked her during her best years (vol 1-4)

NISA nuked Zerofield, the group doing fan translations for the new JP only games. Everyone is pissed.

Attached: top to bottom play order.png (955x925, 122.36K)

For me it's 5