Would you play the Oasis if it was real?

Would you play the Oasis if it was real?
What would your avatar be?

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>loses all inventory items
yeah no, this is just SAO tier world building

The book is gay and lame, and the movies evenmoreso

it's another one of those "fictional games imagined by someone who has literally never played a video game in their life" things, there's nothing to play, there's no structure or sense to the game.

my avatar would be the default MC of fallout 4

Oasis is just next gen roblox
It would be flooded with children

>have to pay to reload your gun or fuel your car

This is an NFT idiot's wet dream and I will not be taking part in it

Probably, sure, especially given that it basically just acts as a hub where you can go essentially play other games in.
Probably a cute little girl.

>what would your avatar be

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Nah. Seems pretty shit, honestly. I don't understand why anyone would want to play something with such freeform creativity like that. It's the same reason I don't "get" second life or vrchat. When there's no boundaries or restrictions, what's the point? It's like playing garry's mod, it's just a sandbox, stupid.

The novelty of some sort of grand overarching "secret quest" to solve is really neat, but in reality, it would be datamined and solved within a week or so. The only way around this would be something like how runescape did their crack the clue thing where they only actually put in the next step like a week after the previous one was found to stop people just rushing it. But ultimately it wasn't anything fun or creative or innovative that solved it, it was plain old datamining.

I tried reading them, the books are intolerable, and in some point it feels like a school shooter manifesto where Ernest uses his self insert to go on weird ass tangents like "I think all girls are pretty, we should invest in making porn with ugly people and I WOULD WATCH IT" or "How nerds will dominate the world and take revenge on the bullies"

>when a npc doesnt understand stories

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No see, I love stories.
I hate when you have le ebin knuckles meme next to a generic anime girl. There's 0 elements of cohesion to that "story". That's a bad story.

So what's it like having no inner monolouge?

>The year is 2030. It's a rainy Saturday afternoon. You've just finished mining 30 obsidian ore playing Crypto Crush Saga, a match-3 mobile game. You open up The Elder Chains Online and feel a rush of excitement. Your school buddy has spent years becoming a Master Blacksmith, and he has agreed to turn 10 obsidian into an Obsidian Battlestaff, a HUGE upgrade over the Mithril Mace you’ve been wielding for the last months. It’ll take him an hour or so. In the meantime, you log into Clash of Guilds, and use the remaining obsidian to upgrade your town hall to the next level.
>That should keep your village safe for now. You wish you could fast forward time to tonight. Your Guild has plans to go for a deep run into the wilderness in Old School Rune Chains, and your prospects of a successful run (and great loot) have never been better. All guild members have been spending the past 2 weeks grinding for better weapons, and you’ve agreed (through a vote) to use the Guild treasury to buy everyone a new full set of Red Dragonhide Armor. Tonight’s objective is to kill the level 128 Frost Giant hiding in the Cave of Sorrow. He has a 5% chance of dropping an Immaculate Orb of Brilliance, of which there are currently only 4 in existence. The Orb can be used as a power source in an upcoming space exploration game, and should give your guild a great advantage in reaching distant galaxies first. A 5% drop rate is low, but you’re feeling optimistic. In the distance, you hear a faint 'BloCkChAIn doEsNT bRiNg AnYtHiNg nEW tO gAmES'. You shrug, and join your friends in the Discord voice channel.
>Life is good.

>starts going off on tangents about "anime girls"
okay, pedro. bye

i have the book in my hands right now.
There is just plenty of weird random tangents that this book goes through that i find irrelevant and is another attempt at poking fun of the wacky gamer kids these days.
here is one from the stupid sex doll one

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The movie ruined 80's movies for me, maybe if i read the book it will ruin masturbation too


>The Elder Chains Online
Is this what moth priests see when they read the elder scrolls?

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>degenerate den clubs of every fetish imaginable with scripted events / 'dances' to enjoy / even pay for in a private room in front of you
Damn. Real vr oasis would have a disturbing red light district.

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This feels like something Chris Chan would say

I wouldn't know, honestly.
What's it like having ADHD?

>find machine that lets you be anything you want
>be a fag

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I've grown to really appreciate Cline because it's like through some terrible cosmic accident, an actual Chris-Chan tier fuckhead made millions of dollars from his Sonichu novel.

It'd be one thing if he was the "typical" redditor faggot, but no, he's the magical kind of true subhuman.

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It's pretty great honestly. All of the voices in my head make for pretty good conversationalists. Not that a non-human automaton like you would know.

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