Need it or keep it?

Need it or keep it?

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>dev is a kiwifag
Cringe. If he was hating on trannies I would support him but he's just a retard.


what does this have to do with their game
why couldn't they just do this on their personal accounts?

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> brag about how you're going to leave Steam
> don't put it up for sale anywhere else

Dev's either retarded or legitimately schizo

Notice: At the request of the publisher, Domina is no longer available for sale on Steam.

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But this has nothing to do with vidya updates. Why is it in my updates page?

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t. keffals

Why ARE trannies seething over Kiwifarms? I mean they already did, but now it's more focused I guess?

Kiwifags post the addresses of right-wing streamers in hopes of getting them swatted. Stop pretending as if the site hates trannies, your owner literally called keffals a "t-girl". You're all just faggots.

Jesus fucking christ what is with all the discord troon raiding? I don't give a shit about this shitty game, but there are a lot of people here who all so subtely want you to be OK with this guy getting removed for having wrong think. There is no part of the internet that isn't astroturfed at this point. The only thing that can save us at this point is a gigantic solar flare or emps going off in the atmosphere so that it fries all the electronics in the words. We are literally living in the bad ending timeline and we can't get out.

Kiwifarms has been pozzed by woke shit for ages dude. Where have you been?

>game dies soon after

agp tranny faggots dox people all the time. stop being disingenuous

le attack helicopter

Brain washed by Any Forumstard types. Very sad and many such cases

I don't know what an agp is but I know kiwifarms has threads up with the addresses of people who are conservative. You're the one being disingenuous here. Go play with your t-girls faggot.

Dev is too fucking based for this world.

I think there should be a 2nd holocaust but for trannies.

>Make your game update pages a fucking Any Forums soapbox
>Surprised when Steam pulls your game
How many fucking times does it have to be said to not be a retard before people comprehend the concept?

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>Dev is so obsessed with trannies he complained to Twitter staff because Jim Sterling didn't want to talk to him
Any Forumscels are mentally ill

It wasn't steam
The publisher got fed up with the dev retardation and removed the game

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>that feelio when there's countless schizos like him on Any Forums, only no mod cares enough to ban them
It's eye-opening. The same thing is happening here, only on a broader scale.

False, the schizo already kvetched on gab that stream kicked him out.

What the fuck are those unironically schizo tweets at the end there. Is that the dev?

Yes, he's been in the loony bin before.

what happened to "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"?
why is everyone acting like there's a literal stick up their asses? this goes for both sides but the devs are getting the short end because his sales were getting affected
people before would just have a chuckle and move on

The game is already delisted

>what happened to "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"?
Fuck around, find out.

I love how neutral this sounds lmao.
Like valve just saw that he was bad for metrics and promptly wiped the dust off their clothes.

Probably because that's never been true and words are the key to spreading hate and causing the 'sticks and stones' to happen in the first place.
Only a total naïve moron wouldn't consider words, the very foundation of our society and way of life, to not be vital

The evil need to suffer. That's why he should be cancelled from everything. Hopefully be reaches peak madness and kills himself, poetically ending his life line a troon.

that's it, I'm unleashing my field at maximum power to fight back
Give me your energy lads

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This has to be one of the biggest lolcow moments of all time

Is it possible to learn this power?

>you have NO RIGHT to feel deceived, the same way the poor drunk dudes who transvestites like Keffals had sexual intercourse with, without disclosing that they were a man
This dude accidentally fucked a tranny didn't he...

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Once again I am here to remind you that this obsession will always become the abyss staring back at you.

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Hey I grew up 15 minute's from that place. There was always rumors about them just letting out some the nutters into the area after their sentence in the old days. Shithole town

>le small egg breaker

Reminder that this is what the average polsissy sounds like to normal people.

leftoid tears still running down I see
Why don't you just IGNORE

kojomboyo was right...

>words are the key to spreading hate and causing the 'sticks and stones' to happen in the first place
Probably the cringiest, most loser-esque thing I've ever read. Congratulations.

Only children and braindead, room temperature IQ adults let words from strangers affect them emotionally. Yet here you are, suggesting that words bring you to violent behavior like the monkey you are.

We won :)

>Make a big shit about Any Forumstopics
>quietly raise the praise of your stupid game
>Wait for Any Forumstard money to flock in
>Get your game banned from steam instead
Pride goeth before the fall huh

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>Have steam take your game off their platform to own the libs
>Lose your income to own the libs

Strong words. It's almost like the words of the previous poster affected you emotionally.

>Only children and braindead, room temperature IQ adults let words from strangers affect them emotionally.
Ah, that's why rightoids chimp out when they hear pronouns.

still not buying your game

So wait the game actually got taken off steam? That's pretty funny

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You're an idiot for devaluing fucking langue when it's what makes humanity even function. Fact of the matter is that the stupid
>w-words don't matter!!!
Cope was always stupid as hell

>We also noticed that you were addressing and removing previously reported and problematic posts, so we'll ban you anyway
God, I wonder which tranny working at Valve did this.

well, true
words and rumours only affect the lowlife because they dont know any better, they doubt everything, they act before they think something through

>That oddly specific example
>Comes out of nowhere
>Entire post is about trannyshit
user you might be onto something.

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it would've stayed if he didn't name the person in question in his rant, so he is fact a retard