Has one tweet every done so much damage?

Has one tweet every done so much damage?

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GTA is actually a good game.

>literal who
>not a single person ever references this

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Dumb ESL

You're not entirely wrong but
>>>>>>>>>>>>literal who
We're in a cyberpunk thread user, come the fuck on

>>literal who

>CDProjectRed fans dont know who Gibson is
10/10 bait made me reply

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literally who

>literally who

that's not bait
that guy is legitimately just a pleb

why do cyberpunk nerds think gamers know anything about cyberpunk?

Gibbon lost all credibility when he wrote first-person shooter for x-files.

He must have felt really stupid when it turned out CP2077 was incredibly punk, even moreso than Neuromancer.

>first-person shooter for x-files
Wow, didn't realize that was him

jew hippy drug burn out who accidentally wrote a fun noir novel while trying to write hard sci-fi
Coined the term "cyberspace" in it.
Some reviewer coined the term "cyberpunk" reviewing it I think.
has not written anything anywhere near as entertaining since.

How can tweet do damage? You're all fucking stupid for giving power to senseless useless drivel from the masses
Twitter screencap threads need to be permanently banned and deleted.

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Based. Twittertroon worshipers are already seething.

>its a twitter screencap thread
You have to go back.

That's the guy behind neuromancer, zoomer. All cyberpunk works are basically derivatives from his books.

>writer gives opinions about something he doesnt know shit about it

Also CP2077 is not like gta at all, its closer to Fallout than GTA

Not OP but that doesn't apply to professionals in the industry, just literally whos


Gibson lost all credibility when he wrote a book about time travelers from a post-apocalyptic future trying to prevent Trump from becoming President

Imagine if Neuromancer just had Case constantly whinging about fuckin Nixon or Ollie North or something

he was talking about the trailer and the trailer was "GTA in the future" as fuck

both of which are totally stupid. cyber comes from cybernetic
>meaning "governance", "to steer, navigate or govern", the governor, pilot, or "helmsperson" of the "ship".
so its supposed to be for robots 'machines controlling themselves', nothing to do with fucking internet or vr

Who fucking cares

Is Gibson still super butthurt that Shadowrun is more popular than Neuromancer?

The Zanzibart tweet was unironically more impactful, up until Soulsfags appropriated it / sent death threats to the guy within the span of a week

>people hated him because he told them the truth

That random tweet didn't do anything, The game being shit did

kek. based

to be fair that tweet was the only decent writing he ever did

I wish that it was GTA with a generic 80's retro future.

Snapchat lost $1.3 billion in market cap within 30 minutes of this tweet being posted

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